College of Europe – CV database – Data protection

1. Responsible for the data processing

The responsible of the data processing is the College of Europe (Bruges/Natolin).

2. Processing purpose

By filling in the form and uploading your Curriculum Vitae to the database of the College of Europe, you allow this last one to provide an access to selected organisations in need of recruitment. You keep a direct access to this database allowing you to modify and/or delete, on your own any data that you recorded, including the ability to undisclosed your profile.

The data will also be processed in view of computing fully pseudonymised statistics used both in the framework of the career activities and more generally by the College for communication or report purposes. These data are processed in a totally confidential way by the necessary College staff only.

3. Recipients

The access to the CV database is only provided to organisations in need of recruitment after having checked the quality of these last ones. These organisations are mainly represented by companies mainly working in the field of the European affairs, notably the ones that the College invites to attend career events such as the “Career days”. The access can be provided under the condition of a financial contribution aiming at covering the processing costs and/or the ones regarding the organisation of the above mentioned events.

The statistical data can be published in the different supports used by the College in the framework of its communication. Consequently, all people wishing to get information about the College, amongst whom for example, potential applicants to the next academic year, journalists, fundraisers, will be provided with this information published in the strictest pseudonymised way.

4. Retention period

The data will be kept in the database from the moment they have been recorded by the student untill, if (s)he did not erase it before or asked for its deletion, the end of the civil year following the end of his/her academic year.

5. How do we protect and safeguard your information?

All related data are stored on systems which abide by the College’s security rules and standards. In case other controllers process your personal data, we refer to the notices of these controllers.

The College takes appropriate measures to ensure that the information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up-to-date. We have, for example, measures in place to protect against accidental loss and unauthorized access, use, destruction, or disclosure of data.

6. How can you exercise your rights?

The College refers to the general privacy notices as available on the website of the College for more detailed information on processing of personal data and how to exercise your rights.

7. Contact information


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