College of Europe

FAQ: College of Europe
  • What kind of an Institute is the College of Europe? 
    The College of Europe is an independent private institution of European Postgraduate Studies.


  • What kind of degree does the College offer?
    Graduates of the College receive one of the following:
    • Master of Arts in European Interdisciplinary Studies
    • Master of Arts in European Union International Relations and Diplomacy Studies
    • Master of Arts in European Political and Administrative Studies
    • Master of Arts in European Economic Studies
      • European General Economic Studies *
      • European Economic Integration and Business
    • Master in European Law (LL M)*

    • Specialisation available in:
      * European Law and Economic Analysis



  • Does the College offer Ph.D. courses or distance learning? Can I study at the College only for one semester?
    No. The College of Europe is a postgraduate institute offering European studies in politics & administration, economics, law and EU international relations and diplomacy (Brugge) and European Interdisciplinary Studies (Natolin). All students have to be registered for the whole academic year.


  • When does the academic year start/end?
    The academic year in Bruges starts mid-September and lasts until the end of June (except for the EEIB programme which already starts at the beginning of September).
    The academic year in Natolin starts at the beginning of September and lasts until the end of June.

General News


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