2019 El-Hiwar Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations

العربية - Download 


15-19 July 2019 ǀ Bruges & Brussels

Your chance to learn, connect and make your voice heard on Euro-Arab dialogue!

The College of Europe was pleased to organise, in the framework of the EU-funded project El-Hiwar II, its first Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations. It took place from 15 to 19 July 2019 in Bruges and Brussels.

What is El-Hiwar?

The objective of this project is to strengthen dialogue, cooperation and collaboration with key regional actors involved in Euro-Arab relations, through a number of activities including institutional training courses and policy dialogues.

What is the El-Hiwar Summer School?

5 days in Bruges and Brussels to enhance knowledge of Euro-Arab relations and explore avenues to deepen relations.

It included lectures, dedicated workshops focussing on skills, panel/ roundtable discussions, a study visit to EU institutions and many opportunities to expand the participants' professional network. There were around 24 participants, both from the League of Arab States and the European Union and from civil society/think tanks/academia.

The event took place in English but translation and interpretation to/from Arabic was foreseen.

What topics the Summer School covered?

The programme focussed on:

  • How the Euro-Arab dialogue works (origins, current priorities, actors, etc.);
  • Four work streams identified as key areas for the project:
    1. Making the region safer;
    2. Supporting and defending human rights;
    3. Inclusive and sustainable development;
    4. Cross-cutting themes.
  • Skills oriented modules: advocacy, intercultural relations, project design, policy making, policy paper drafting skills.

For more details, you can download the programme here.

Why participate?

Learn, connect, network, make your voice heard!

Throughout the Summer School, participants had the opportunity to be supported by high-level experts to design, develop and advocate for their ideas. Also, because one of the objectives of the Summer School was to explore concrete actions that could strengthen Euro-Arab relations, participants were required to draft a short policy paper, policy proposal or project proposal.

A selection of papers will be collected, edited, published and disseminated online after the Summer School.

What costs were covered by the El-Hiwar project?

  • Tuition costs;
  • Transportation costs from the place of residence to Bruges (including visa costs, when applicable);
  • Full-board accommodation in Bruges for the duration of the Summer School (arrival on 14 July, departure on 19 or 20 July, subject to flight availability)


  • You are an agent of change with a sense of leadership and a desire to contribute to Euro-Arab dialogue.
  • You have at least 3 years of experience and work for a civil society organisation, think tank or academia in areas that are relevant to the Euro-Arab dialogue.
  • You are ready to draft a short policy paper, policy proposal or project proposal putting forward a concrete idea that could strengthen Euro-Arab dialogue. 


Click here to submit your application. The deadline was 9 May 2019 by 12h00. 
Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us: elhiwarii@coleurope.eu

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