• Des effets de l’échelle européenne sur une échelle locale. Imbrication des arènes et juridicisation des luttes de classification ethnique en Lettonie suite au transfert des normes européennes sur les minorités, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 2014.
  • Le gouvernement de l’ethnicité en Europe post-soviétique: minorités et pouvoir en Lettonie, Paris, Dalloz, 2013.

The Chair organizes a rich programme of events. Besides those relating to its three research themes, it also puts on special lectures and debates on a wider range of subjects. It hosts the Bronisław Geremek and College of Europe-Arenberg Prizes.

The College of Europe is seeking candidates for the “EP-Geremek European Civilisation Chair” created by the European Parliament in honour of the late Professor Bronisław Geremek. The Chair consists of a part-time professorship for the period of 2014 – 2017, with a starting date of 1 June or 1 July 2014.  The Chair is based at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe in Warsaw.

Interviews will be conducted at the beginning of March 2014.



International activities and competitions are excellent ways for our students to develop transversal professional skills and gain valuable experience for their CVs. This is why at the College of Europe in Natolin we encourage our students to participate in a variety of events on or off-campus throughout the academic year. The overview below shows events which Natolin students attended and/or contributed to organize.

Participation is decided on a yearly basis.