The College of Europe is seeking applications for the position of Director of Studies of the European Interdisciplinary Studies Programme (The lnternal and External Dimensions of the European Union) at its Natolin campus (Warsaw), with a starting date of 1 May 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.




Anna POLITKOVSKAYA & Hrant DINK Promotion, 2007-2008

MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies

Competition Reporter

Policy and Regulatory Report (Mergermarket Group), Brussels

The College of Europe, Natolin Campus (Warsaw) is seeking applications for the position of one six-months Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship with a starting date of January 2015. The posts will be held within the framework of the European Civilization Chair, founded by the European Parliament in honour of the late Professor Bronisław Geremek.


We are looking for graduates with:


The Department of European Interdisciplinary Studies of the College of Europe in Natolin is seeking applications for the positions of academic assistants with a starting date of Wednesday, 7 January 2015 at the latest.

We are looking for graduates, preferably candidates with a measure of College of Europe experience, with
