In the 2020/2021 academic year, we set up expert teams and task forces that coordinate our pandemic response.

All students benefit from the support of dedicated staff members who not only fulfil a pastoral function but also help with matters related to the Polish healthcare system, COVID-19 testing, travel and potential border restrictions, and much more.

We continue to upgrade our on-campus infrastructure to create a safer learning and community environment. This includes permanent upgrades to our air and water circulation and filtration systems, and temporary accommodations, such as extra plexiglass walls in the campus restaurant and hand sanitizers provided at the entrances to all buildings.

Students receive full pastoral support from the Natolin campus. This includes the services of a professional therapist and counsellor, whom students can arrange meetings with, and help from institutions such as the Student Affairs Office.

At the beginning of every academic year, the Natolin student community elects its Student Representatives. They are voted in for the entire year and take on different portfolios: academic affairs and languages, extracurricular activities, and student wellbeing. They are in constant contact with the whole student community: as such, they are also invited to regular meetings with the administration to discuss Natolin’s pandemic response – and forward any concerns or suggestions that students might have.