MATA alumni and current students met in Brussels in November 2021 with Rector Federica Mogherini and Director Michele Chang.

MATA graduates have gone on to work in the public and private sectors in a variety of careers related to transatlantic affairs.  Some employees of MATA graduates include:

  • The United Nations
  • NATO
  • The European Parliament
  • Nuclear Threat Initiative
  • Embassy of France to the United States
  • Hanbury Strategy
  • European Policy Centre
  • Eni energy company
  • Air BnB



“Reflecting back on this journey as part of the first cohort of the MATA programme, I can say now that this transatlantic programme allowed me to broaden my professional horizon and embrace peacebuilding work, from Headquarters and decision-making spheres to the grassroots in the field. The MATA was both an ambitious and enriching choice, which proved determinant to my work with the UN today.” 

-Lucie Duchateau, Civil Affairs Officer, UN Mission in South Sudan 



“I chose the MATA to benefit from a truly immersive transatlantic educational experience, the specialization of two leading graduate schools, and the opportunity to learn about this critical field from leading experts who are deeply familiar with the institutions and ideas shaping the transatlantic agenda. The MATA is so much more than an educational curriculum surrounding a very significant theme. It is a challenging, dynamic, and highly rewarding experience that students can mold according to their specific interests and leverage across professional industries. “  

-Stefan Harrigan, International Trade Manager, Georgia Department of Economic Development 


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​The Master of Arts in Transatlantic Affairs programme targets talented young professionals with a minimum of four years of university study and some professional experience in relevant domains. Candidates are expected to apply to the partner institution where they wish to spend the first year.

The language of instruction in the programme is English, but students are required to be proficient in another language.  The College of Europe offers courses taught in French, which students with a sufficient knowledge of the language may follow. However, students may meet the graduation requirements for the MATA by demonstrating proficiency in any second language (including their native language). At the end of their studies, graduates are awarded a fully recognized and accredited joint degree. 

Graduates of the two institutions have attained positions in international organizations (European Union, NATO, United Nations), as well as within national public sectors as diplomats or officials in ministries and agencies. Additionally, graduates have held leadership positions in the private sector as managers or consultants in corporations, consultancies and law firms or in civil society working in numerous capacities for non-profit organizations. Other graduates have worked as policy analysts in think tanks or have gone on to pursue academic careers.

Graduates of the MATA programme integrate into the extensive alumni networks of both the College of Europe and The Fletcher School enabling the development of transatlantic contacts.

“Being part of two communities and a micro-MATA community allows us to access: both the College of Europe’s and Fletcher’s career resources; MATA alumni, who can guide us in our future endeavors; and  individualized attention from professors who goes the extra mile to help us become the person and professional we strive to become. The MATA doubles your networking and learning opportunities, nourishes you with experiences in two very rich and different communities (College of Europe and Fletcher), and enables you to become specialized in any domain of your choosing - through the drafting of your master’s thesis with one supervisor from each side of the Atlantic and a high-level internship in Brussels or Washington.“  - María BALASCH, MATA 2023


“MATA is unique for many different reasons. Both schools are renown in Europe and in the USA. The programme attracts many international students, people willing to step out of their comfort zones and bring their diverse experiences into the classroom. Professionally speaking, it is a chance to open yourself to the alumni communities of both institutions.” – Laura SCHIEMICHEN, MATA 2019


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Transatlantic Relations: Challenge and Resilience - 1st Edition - Dona 

Transatlantic Relations: Challenge and Resilience, edited by Donald Abelson and Stephen Brooks (Routledge, 2022) 

Featuring chapters by former MATA Coordinator Simon Schunz and MATA Visiting Professor Emiliano Alessandri, this book explains how and why the transatlantic relationship has remained resilient despite persistent differences in the preferences, approaches, and policies of key member states. 

It covers topics ranging from the history of transatlantic relations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and security issues, trade, human rights, and the cultural sinews of the relationship, to the impacts of COVID-19, climate change, think tanks, the rise of populism, public opinion, and the triangular relationship between the United States (US), Europe, and China. The book also conceptualizes resilience as a quality arising from myriad forms of interdependence. This interdependence helps shed light on the Atlantic partnership’s capacity to withstand serious disagreements, such as those that occurred during the Reagan, George W. Bush, and Trump presidencies. 

With a principal focus on the US and Europe, the contributors to the volume also employ Canadian case studies to provide a unique and useful corrective. This book will interest all intermediate and senior undergraduate as well as graduate courses on relations between the US and Europe, American foreign policy, and European Union foreign policy. A specialist readership that includes academic and think tank researchers, policy practitioners, and opinion leaders will also benefit from this timely volume. 


Other recently published work by MATA faculty and academic staff: 

Benedetta Berti, “NATO 2030: A look at the key priorities for the Vilnius summit”, EPC Roundup, 22 June 2023. 

Borges de Castro, Ricardo, Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, Simon Dekeyrel, Ivano di Carlo, Zeynep Güner, Philipp Lausberg, Berta López Domènech, Iana Maisuradze, Rita Mendoça Barbosa Amorim Lobo, Marta Mucznik, Amanda Paul, Georg Riekeles, Maxime Sierro, and Svitlana Taran in Ricardo Borges de Castro, editor, ““Europe in the world in 2023: Learning the language of power?” Outlook Paper, Brussels: European Policy Centre, February 2023. 

Iana Maisuradze, “NATO must keep its word and guide Georgia towards membership”, EPC Roundup, 22 June 2023. 

Chang, Michele, Gabriel Glöckler , and Laura Pierret. 2023. "Fighting Fires from Crisis to Crisis: The Evolution of Central Banking in Europe." In The EU Political System after the 2019 European Elections, edited by Olivier Costa and Steven Van Hecke. London: Palgrave. 

Paul, Amanda and Iana Maisuradze. “Georgia must get its act together to become an EU candidate country” European Policy Centre, March 2023. 



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Events and activities dedicated to transatlantic relations are organized on a regular basis.

October 2023 Discussion with US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith

September 2023 Meeting with Canadian Ambassador to the EU Ailish Campbell

In June 2023, the US Mission to the EU launched its ‘Ask the Ambassador’ series with MATA students asking US Ambassador to the EU Mark Gitenstein important questions on transatlantic affairs.

May 2023 MATA visits the Council Working Party on Transatlantic Affairs

April 2023 Exchange with former US Ambassador to the EU Anthony L. Gardner.

In April 2023 MATA Fulbright NATO Security Scholar Andrea Cameron invited Constantinos Hadjisavvas from the European Defence Agency to discuss security and climate resilience.

In November 2022, MATA celebrated the launch of the book Chip War by Fletcher’s MATA Academic Director Chris Miller. Guillaume Ragonnaud from the European Parliamentary Research Service commented on the book in view of the EU Chips Act.

In May 2022 MATA celebrated its 5-year anniversary.