The College of Europe publishes E-newsletters on a regular basis. The Bruges campus publishes the newsletter "Bruges News", while the Natolin campus publishes "The Natolin Quarterly". We hope that this initiative will contribute in particular to tighten ties between the College of Europe on the one hand, and its alumni and friends, wherever they are in Europe and in the world, on the other. Don't hesitate to give us your feedback and suggestions as regards the content of the E-newsletters.

Bruges News

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Natolin Quarterly

Natolin Quarterly archive



To subscribe to the College of Europe Natolin Quarterly E-newsletter please click on the following link.


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Together with UNU-CRIS the Department co-published from 2008-2015 a series of working papers dedicated to the study of the EU and other forms of regionalism or interregionalism from a comparative perspective, the role of regional organisations in global governance as well as these regions' external relations and diplomacy.










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The Collegium is the academic journal of the College of Europe. The proceedings of the annual Colloquium (organised) in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were written by the speakers or by the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Brussels on the basis of audio recordings of the Colloquium. These texts were then reviewed by the speakers. Copyright remains with the authors. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the College of Europe nor the International Committee of the Red Cross.



Download full contents of all issues since October 2000:

  • Collegium No. 52: Same Law, New Wars: The Enduring Relevance of International Humanitarian Law and the Importance of the updated ICRC Commentaries
  • Collegium No. 51: New Technologies on the Battlefield: Friend or Foe?
  • Collegium No. 50: Legal Challenges for protecting and Assisting in Current Armed Conflicts
  • Collegium No. 49: Legal and Operational Challenges Raised by Contemporary Non-International Armed Conflicts
  • Collegium No. 48: The Additional Protocols at 40: Achievements and Challenges
  • Collegium No. 47: Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law
  • Collegium No. 46: Urban Warfare
  • Collegium No. 45: Detention in Armed Conflicts
  • Collegium No. 44: Vulnerabilities in Armed Conflicts: Selected Issues
  • Collegium No. 43: Scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law
  • Collegium No. 42: International Organisations' Involvement in Peace Operations: Applicable Legal Framework and the Issue of Responsibility
  • Collegium No. 41: Technological Challenges for the humanitarian legal framework
  • Collegium No. 40: Armed Conflicts and Parties to Armed Conflicts under IHL: Confronting Legal Categories to Contemporary Realities.
  • Collegium No. 39: Transfers of Persons in Situations of Armed Conflict.
  • Collegium No. 38: Building Social Capital for more Inclusive Societies. Partnerships for Innovative Approaches in Europe.
  • Collegium No. 37: Current Perspectives on Regulating Means of Warfare.
  • Collegium No. 36: Private Military/Security Companies Operating in Situations of Armed Conflict.
  • Collegium No. 35: Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology.
  • Collegium No. 34: Current Challenges to the Law of Occupation.
  • Collegium No. 33: Towards a Modernisation of the European Social model.
  • Collegium No. 32: The Need for Justice and Requirements for Peace and Security.
  • Collegium No. 31: Turkey on its Way to the European Union.
  • Collegium No. 30: Improving Compliance with International Humanitarian Law.
  • Collegium No. 29: Does Euroscepticism have a passport?
  • Collegium No. 28: What Name for Europe?
  • Collegium No. 27: Relevance of International Humanitarian Law to Non-State-Actors.
  • Collegium No. 26: - Governing the Future Europe.
  • Collegium No. 25: The impact of International Humanitarian Law on current security policy trends.
  • Collegium No. 24: Defying Convention: a Revolution in EU Tready Reform?
  • Collegium No. 23: From Union to Constitution? Debating the Future of the EU.
  • Collegium No. 22: Integrated sSecurity in Europe, a Democratic Perspective.
  • Collegium No. 21: Current Challenges in International Humanitarian Law.
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Academic Chairs and Scholars

European Energy Policy Chair of the College of Europe; Jan Tinbergen Chair for European Economics; EP Geremek European Civilization Chair; European Neighbourhood Policy Chair; Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in US-EU Relations; Fulbright NATO Security Studies Visiting Scholar

College Libraries

The Libraries of the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin (Warsaw) are linked to document delivery services and electronic information networks worldwide. A high priority is placed on easy access to electronic information resources and multimedia facilities, with on-line access to the Library catalogues available across both campuses. In addition to electronic information, both libraries also hold important print collections and extensive periodicals back-runs. » more

Global Competition Law Centre

The Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC) is a research centre of the College of Europe. It was founded on 1 January 2004, aims to promote rigorous legal and economic analysis of competition policy reforms in the EU and globally, and to provide a discussion forum for academics, practitioners, and enforcement officers in the competition field. » more


College of Europe Policy Brief series (CEPOB), Collegium, Research Papers, Books » more

Visiting Scholars

The College of Europe encourages researchers interested in European studies to apply as visiting scholars. It offers
a stimulating international academic environment and a Library which is highly specialized on European Union affairs. » more

Student Publications

Students actively contribute to academic and campus life through student publications and specific media channels.


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As a Communications and Recruitment Team Member you will play a vital role in the communications and recruitment strategy. You must demonstrate strong motivation, creativity and organizational skills. If you are looking for a challenging role within a European higher education setting and can demonstrate the desired skills, apply today! Start: December 2021.
