Participants will be immersed in a five-day seminar on EU project management delivered through lecturesexercisessimulationscase studiesbriefings and discussions that confront practice with theory.

The course makes extensive use of examples from EU external cooperation projects; however, the emphasis is on understanding concepts and tools that can be applied to projects from a wide variety of funding systems.

More specifically, the programme offers a practical approach that includes the following modules:

Interactive training sessions:

  • Theory and practice of project design and management;
  • Fundamental concepts of EU project management, the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the main EU funding programmes and instruments;
  • Key stages of project design;
  • Budgeting project expenditure;
  • Project monitoring and evaluation;
  • Understanding the rules, procedures and contractual obligations of EU-funded projects.

Case studies and simulations; all practice-oriented sessions aimed to identify, develop and practice project management skills:

  • Identifying a funding opportunity relevant to their project;
  • Designing a project (identifying beneficiaries, stakeholder analysis, problem analysis, activity planning, results chain, defining assumptions and risks and preparing a Logframe matrix - also with reference to OPSYS);
  • Drafting a winning project proposal;
  • Implementing, monitoring and evaluating EU-funded projects;
  • Budgeting and financial management of project expenditure.

Practical exercises: Participants will practice tools and techniques. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, they will be confronted with different exercises that will help them better understand the challenges of proposal writing and project implementation. At the end of each exercise, the results of the working groups will be presented in a feedback session. Collective feedback is a key part of the exercise and gives participants the opportunity to maximise their personal learning experience.

For more details, you can download the May-June 2024 edition programme here
For more details, you can download the November 2024 online edition programme here

Please note that this course can be tailor made on demand for specific groups.

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The participants

The course targets:

  • National civil servants from EU member states involved in EU-funded actions;
  • Consultants and Business Analysts working in cooperation and development;
  • Administrative and Finance Officers seeking to broaden their project procurement and management knowledge of EU-funded projects;
  • Project and Programme Managers looking to update and improve their processes, methodologies, techniques and skills to successfully achieve project objectives in a variety of funding opportunities;
  • Science Officers managing scientific research projects;
  • NGOs;
  • Universities, research centres, and think tanks;
  • Implementing partners of EU-funded projects;
  • Officials from the EU institutions;
  • Other professionals and academics working in the management of EU-funded projects from both EU and non-EU countries.

Our former participants say:
“The course offers an immersion in the methodology and financing of European projects by experts and active professionals, who complete the training with their advice and practical examples. In addition, the course is very dynamic, combining theory with practical group exercises and plenary sessions, which strengthens the links between participants. Thank you for this excellent training!”

– 2021 edition participant.

“During the different training sessions, I had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify doubts that I had before the course and that were related to the EU project lifecycle. All the trainers were very knowledgeable both on a theoretical and practical level. Furthermore, by interacting with colleagues from different backgrounds and jobs, I had the opportunity to learn different approaches and working methods which can be extremely inspiring and eye-opening for one's future career steps. Overall, it has been a very intense, informative and insightful experience that has provided me with a solid knowledge base on EU project management and encouraged me to do further research on monitoring and evaluation techniques for EU-funded projects”

– 2021 edition participant.

Participants should have a university degree, a very good command of English and some relevant work experience.

Seats for this course are limited, in order to ensure an optimal interactive environment that foster discussions and facilitates networking.

The College of Europe reserves the right to select participants based on their academic and professional profile.

The trainers

The sessions are delivered by high-level speakers from the expert network of the College of Europe, which comprises academics, practitioners, and project experts with a sound experience in the field of design and management of EU-funded opportunities.

Our trainers are looking forward to meeting you!

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The design and management of projects from A to Z

22-26 January 2024 / Online / Extra edition
27-31 May 2024 / Bruges, Belgium
18-22 November 2024 / Online 

A one-week interactive journey through the life of EU-funded projects, from programming to project designproposal writingbudgetingproject implementationmonitoring and evaluation.

Through detailed case studies and exercises on key project design and management tools, this interactive training course provides a thorough understanding of essential techniques for successful, results-oriented and cost-effective management of EU projects.

Designed to help professionals understand the complexities of EU funding schemes and keep projects on track, our project management training course covers all phases of an EU Project. More specifically, throughout the course, participants learn how to find EU funding opportunities, how to design a project and how to write a project proposal.
In addition, the course aims to support good management practices and effective decision-making throughout the project management cycle: from programming, identification, formulation, to implementation and evaluation.

Experienced high-level practitioners guide participants through a curriculum based on the latest project management methodologies.

The course combines different learning approaches:

  • Interactive training sessions examining the theoretical and practical aspects of EU project management;
  • Practical group exercises designed to develop essential project management skills;
  • Case studies based on real EU-funded projects;
  • Individual and collective feedback, giving participants the opportunity to maximise their personal learning experience.

About the course
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Target groups & faculty
Practical Information

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The College of Europe (Bruges campus) is seeking applications for the position of a part-time Chair in Transatlantic Trade and Economy (25% FTE, 9.5 h/week) connected with the joint College of Europe-Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Master of Arts in Transatlantic Affairs (MATA) programme ( and in cooperation with Microsoft. The position’s starting date is 1 September 2023.
