
Fulbright Awards for US Scholars

The College of Europe has a long history of welcoming US scholars to research and teach on its Bruges campus thanks to the support of the Fulbright program.  Further information on all Fullbright programs can be found at https://awards.cies.org/.

Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award in US-EU Relations

Every other year (in rotation with the European University Institute in Florence), the Fulbright Schuman Program funds the Distinguished Scholar Award at the College of Europe in Bruges. The Fulbright-Schuman Program, administered by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States and Belgium, is jointly financed by the U.S. State Department and the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission.

This three- to five-month fellowship allows mid-career and senior US academics to pursue independent research and teach a course to a very select and international group of postgraduate students.  Grantees may also be asked to provide thesis advising and participate in conferences.

Strong applicants include current professors of EU studies or related academic fields such as political science, international relations, law, economics, and public policy. Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. and have several years of teaching experience. French is desirable, but not required. Among the previous Chairholders are Professors Marco RIMANELLI, John McCORMICK, Alan HENRIKSON, Wayne THOMPSON, David L. CLEETON, Glenda ROSENTHAL and Amie KREPPEL. Professor Melody VALDINI was the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in US-EU relations for the 2023-24 academic year.

Questions can be directed to Michele CHANG.

Information leaflet

Fulbright NATO Scholar Andrea Cameron visiting the Council of the European Union with participants from the MATA programme


Fulbright Scholar in - NATO Security Studies Award

The Fulbright NATO Security Studies award allows the grantee to spend four months at the College of Europe in Bruges to conduct research and teach a course to its postgraduate students.  Previous recipients include Professor Mark S. SHEETZ, Professor Zachary SELDEN, Professor Andrew T. WOLFF and Professor Andrea Cameron.

Funded by a partnership between the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Fulbright Commission in Brussels, this unique award invites American academics and professionals to conduct a research or professional project that fosters awareness and understanding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 

The successful candidate will spend one semester researching or researching/teaching on transatlantic security studies at the College of Europe in Belgium. In addition to their primary institute of affiliation, the award recipient will be connected with officials at NATO and at the U.S. Mission to NATO in order to facilitate their research. Throughout the grant, the award recipient may be invited to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the College of Europe community. 

The Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States, Belgium, and Luxembourg is responsible for running this Fulbright program, which is financially supported by the U.S. government and the NATO Public Diplomacy Division. 

As I reflect back on where I started and where I finished, I love to think about how my time at College of Europe broadened me as an expert and pedagogically.  The opportunity is one-of-a-kind

-Andrea Cameron, Fulbright NATO Scholar at the College of Europe 2023 

Fulbright-Schuman European Union Affairs Scholar

This three- to nine-month grant supports US scholars to conduct policy-oriented research that addresses topics of common importance for the US-EU relationship or EU affairs and that is tenable in one or more EU Member States. In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars will be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities‎. 

In 2019 I had the unapparelled opportunity be a visiting scholar at the College of Europe as a Fulbright recipient.  I can think of no better host for someone interested in European Union research than the College of Europe, the preeminent institution for EU studies at the graduate level.  I attended high level conferences, met distinguished and friendly faculty colleagues and interacted with highly motivated and intellectually curious master’s students.  

-Madeleine Kass, J.D., M.E.S., Visiting professor and distinguished scholar in residence, Seattle University School of Law and Professor emeritus, Thomas Jefferson School of Law