Academic Programme

Our Master’s degree in European Political and Governance Studies develops students’ knowledge of current and future:

  • European politics, institutional and non-institutional actors and decision-making processes
  • EU internal and external policies
  • EU governance, especially through our one-month simulation game
  • EU relations with national/regional/local actors (including private actors and NGOs)

This EU specialisation provides our graduates with the necessary tools to kick-start a career in and around the EU and its institutions, public affairs and public relations agencies, national administrations, non-governmental advocacy organisations and the private sector.

The Academic year is divided in 2 semesters: the first one providing a solid background in political, economic and legal dimensions of the EU. During the second semester students choose their courses and specialise in the areas of EU studies that they are most interested in. A two-week introductory programme is also available for students coming without a background in politics or European studies.

To complete their studies, students participate in two interdisciplinary classes (one per semester) of the European General Studies Progamme.

The strength of our department lies in the combination of empirical knowledge with a more practical approach to EU studies and the working environment after the College. For this reason, throughout the academic year, the Department offers different workshops in professional development to develop skills relevant to the EU job market.

Students have also the opportunity to follow language classes offered by the Language Services of the College

Another great advantage of our Department is the wide range of extra-curricular activities that are offered to the students: from working as junior consultants for Accenture in the European Centre for Government Transformation to a simulation of a European Health Parliament.

Our study programme is revised annually to ensure continuing excellence and dynamism.


Testimonial Master of Arts in European Political and Governance Studies