Introductory Course

The Department of European Political and Governance Studies offers an introductory course for students who do not have a background in European studies or politics. This two-week programme takes place before the official start of the academic year.

Students enrolled in this introductory course take the following courses:

  • Introduction to political science - Professor Juliette DUPONT
  • EU decision-making - Professor Christopher LORD
  • Droit institutionnel de l'Union européenne [Institutional Law of the European Union] - Professor François Xavier MILLET
  • Histoire de l’Union européenne [History of European Integration] - Professor Sylvain SCHIRMANN
  • Introduction to political economy - Professor Michele CHANG
  • Research methodology - Professor Anna-Lena HÖGENAUER

In addition to the official courses, numerous workshops are offered on essay writing, oral presentations and referencing guidelines by the Academic Assistants.

An Access to French course is offered to students of the European Political and Governance studies who need to deepen their knowledge and skills in French academic language, in order to be fully prepared for the upcoming academic year.

During the introductory courses, students are housed in the residences and extra fees apply, unless the costs are covered by a grant.

For further information please contact the secretaries of the Department.