European Economy Lectures

  • 12 October 2022, 21st European Economy Lecture by José Manuel CAMPA, Chairman of the European Banking Authority (EBA).

  • 20 October 2021 (postponed Lecture of 2020): 19th European Economy Lecture by Achim WAMBACH, Ph.D. President of ZEW and Member of the German Monopolies Commission, on “the State of Competition in Europe”.

  • 23 October 2019: 18th European Economy Lecture by Christian GOLLIER: “Carbon pricing: Responsibilities towards the future versus political acceptability”.

  • 24 October 2018: 17th European Economy Lecture by Professor Clemens FUEST: “European Tax Policy for the 21st Century”.

  • 25 October 2017: 16th European Economy Lecture by Professor Alan WINTERS: "Believing Six Impossible Things before Brexit: From Transition to Trade Agreements"
  • 19 October 2016: 15th European Economy Lecture by Stefano MICOSSI, Director General at ASSONIME, Rome.
  • 28 October 2015, 14th European Economy Lecture by Professor Charles WYPLOSZ, Professor of International Economics and Director of the International Centre for Money and Banking Studies, Graduate Institute, Geneva
  • 22 October 2014, 13th European Economy Lecture by Professor Massimo MOTTA, Chief Economist, DG Competition, European Commission
  • 23 October 2013, 12th European Economy Lecture by Andrew HUGHES HALLETT, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia (USA), and University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
  • 24 October 2012, 11th European Economy Lecture by Daniel GROS, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels.
  • 9 November 2011: 10th European Economy Lecture, The European Balance of Payment Crisis, by Prof. Hans-Werner SINN, President of the IFO Institute for Economic Research, München and Professor, University of München
  • 27 October 2010: Ninth European Economy Lecture,The Financial Crisis and the Future of the Eurozone, by Paul DE GRAUWE, Professor of international economics, University of Leuven and Associate Senior Fellow, CEPS.
  • 21 October 2009: Eighth European Economy Lecture, Lessons from the global financial crisis: why Emerging Europe was different by Prof. Eric BERGLOF, Chief Economist and Special Advisor to the President, EBRD
  • 22 October 2008: Seventh European Economy Lecture, Structural Change and Catching-up in the Wider Europe by Prof. Michael A LANDESMANN, Professor of Economics at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz
  • 18 October 2007: Sixth European Economy Lecture by Prof. Richard BALDWIN, Professor of International Economics at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva
  • 19 October 2006: Fifth European Economy Lecture, The Service Economy: Challenges and Policy Implications in Europe, by Prof. Luis RUBALCABA, President of the European Network for Service Research and professor of Economic Policy at the University of Alcalá (Madrid).
  • 27 October 2005, Fourth European Economy Lecture, La gestion de la transition vers la monnaie unique et l’établissement de la crédibilité de l’euro, par Monsieur Jean-Claude TRICHET, Président de la Banque Centrale européenne.
  • 27 October 2004: Third European Economy Lecture, The Lisbon Challenge: Activating Knowledge For EU Competitiveness, by Prof. Luc SOETE.
  • 29 October 2003: Second European Economy Lecture, After Cancún: Which Choice for Europe?, by Prof. Patrick MESSERLIN.
  • 20 January 2003: First European Economy Lecture: Economic Governance in the Enlarged Europe, by Prof. André SAPIR.


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Statement - 16 February 2024

Since 2021, the College of Europe has adopted, also thanks to the input of students, a revised Code of Conduct that guarantees transparent and rigorous procedures to ensure that each member of the...