TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy

The contents of this page will - except for the "Exploring EU Foreign Policy" resource guide - not be updated anymore as of January 2014 as the TOTAL Chair ceased to exist.


In response to the growing interest of students, scholars and the public in the European Union's evolving foreign policy, the College of Europe, with the financial support of TOTAL, had in 2011 established the TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy. This Chair was based in the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies in Bruges. Professor Stephan Keukeleire had been appointed as the first Chairholder of the TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy (2011-2013). He is the coordinator of the specialized Online Resource Guide Exploring EU Foreign Policy, which has been developed with the support of the TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy:

Mission of the Chair

The mission of the Chair was to promote education and research on the foreign policy of the EU. The Chairholder offered a course and supervised theses in the Master’s programme EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies. The Chair conducted research, organised conferences and produced academic publications in the field of European foreign policy.

The main objective of the Chair was to analyse the development, relevance and effectiveness of EU foreign policy in a changing European and international context. The European context has been characterised by the establishment of a new institutional framework (such as the European External Action Service) following the Lisbon Treaty, while the international context has been marked by the emergence of new types of foreign policy challenges and new structural powers (including the BRICS countries). Another objective was to strengthen the analytical toolbox for studying European foreign policy by developing 'structural foreign policy' as an analytical framework and by integrating non-Western perspectives and attention for the societal levels in the analysis. Adopting an 'outside-in perspective' is considered a necessary counterweigh to the predominant Western-centric approach in both the conduct and analysis of EU foreign policy. These themes were reflected in the inaugural lecture "EU Foreign Policy beyond Lisbon: The Quest for Relevance" (March 2011) and in the conferences organised by the Chair.


Conferences of the Chair

  • 20 May 2014: Book launch event for the second edition of The Foreign Policy of the European Union (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, ‘The European Union Series’).
  • On 15-16 November 2012, the TOTAL chair co-organised the international conference on “The Neighbours of the EU's Neighbours: Diplomatic and Geopolitical Dimensions beyond the ENP”.
  •  On 7-8 May 2012, The TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy organised the "EU-BRICS/IBSA/BASIC" section of the International Conference “Strategic Challenges in the EU-Brazil Relationship”.
  •  On 24 February 2012, the TOTAL Chair organised an international conference on "Understanding Political Islam in Arab Mediterranean Societies: Challenges and Prospects for EU Foreign Policy". This conference gathered specialists of political Islam as well as Arab and European practitioners to discuss the position of Islam in Arab Mediterranean societies and its implications for the EU. Programme and Summary.
  • In April 2011, the TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy was one of the co-organisers of the international workshop on "Conceptualizing and Analyzing Strategic and Structural Diplomacy" organised in the framework of the Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Group on "The Diplomatic System of the European Union" (DSEU).


Publications of the Chair

In the framework of the TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy, the Chairholder prepared a new edition of the widely used book The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, (‘The European Union Series’).


Other publications of Stephan Keukeleire (former Chairholder):

  • (2014) 'The BRICS and other Emerging Power Alliances and Multilateral Organisations in the Asia-Pacific and the Global South: Challenges for the European Union and its View on Multilateralism’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 52 (with Bas Hooijmaaijers).
  • (2013) Keukeleire, S., “European Foreign Policy beyond Lisbon. The Quest for Relevance” in Govaere, I. and Hanf, D. (eds.), Scrutinizing Internal and External Dimensions of European Law, Liber Amicorum Paul Demaret, Vol. II,  P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels, 2013, p. 831-840
  • (2013) ‘De “veiligheid-ontwikkeling nexus” en de securitisering van het EU-beleid ten aanzien van ontwikkelingslanden’, Res Publica, 55(4), 541-544. 
  • (2013) 'The Security-Development Nexus and Securitisation in the EU’s policies towards developing countries’, in Carbone, Maurizio (ed.), ‘Special section: The EU and the Developing World’, Cambridge Review of International Relations, 26(4), pp. 1-17. (with Kolja Raube).
  • (2013) 'The EU's Rule of Law promotion in its Neighbourhood: a Structural Foreign Policy Analysis', EU Diplomacy Paper, no. 4/2013, Bruges, College of Europe, January 2013 (with Raphael Metais and Charles Thépaut)

  • (2012) 'EU-India relations and multilateral governance: where is the „strategic partnership‟?' New Delhi, The Foreign Policy Research Centre Journal, no. 13, 2013, pp. 118-122, (with Hooijmaaijers Bas).

  • (2012) ‘EU Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Structural Diplomacy: Comprehensiveness, Coordination, Alignment and Learning’, DSEU Policy Paper, 12 February 2012 (with Justaert Arnout).

  • (2012) ‘Analysing the position of the European Union in the United Nations system - analytical framework’, in J. Wouters, et al. (eds.), The European Union and Multilateral Governance: Assessing EU Participation in United Nations Human Rights and Environmental Fora. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25-45. (co-authors: Schunz Simon, Bruyninckx Hans, Basu Sudeshna, Wouters Jan).
  • (2012) ‘The Common Security and Defense Policy: Development, Added Value, and Challenges’, in Federiga Bindi (ed.), The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe's Role in the World, Washington: Brookings Institution Press (co-author: Kolja Raube).
  • (2012) 'Informal governance and networks in EU foreign policy’, in T. Christiansen and C. Neuhold (eds.), International Handbook on Informal Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2012 (with A. Justaert).
  • (2011) 'Crise interne, crise externe?', Le Jeu De l'Oie, n°4, December 2011, pp. 36-38 (with C. Thépaut)
  • (2011) The EU Foreign Policy towards the BRICS and other Emerging Powers: Objectives and Strategies (Ad Hoc Study). Brussels: European Parliament, Directorate-General for External Policies, 2011 (with K. Mattlin, B. Hooijmaaijers, et al).
  • (2011) 'The European Union's policy on Kosovo', in P. Koutrakos (ed.), European Foreign Policy: Legal and Political Perspectives, Edward Elgar Publishers (with A. Kalaja and A. Çollaku).
  • (2011) 'The European Union, the BRICs, and the Emerging New World Order', in C. Hill and M. Smith (eds.), International Relations and the European Union, Oxford University Press (with H. Bruyninckx).
  • (2010) 'The EU’s Security Sector Reform Policies in the DRCongo', in European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special Issue 1, Vol. 14. (with A. Justaert)
  • (2010), 'EULEX Kosovo' in S. Blockmans, J. Wouters and T. Ruys (eds.), The EU and Peacebuilding. Policy and Legal Aspects, TMC Asser Press (with R. Thiers)

Publications of Raphaël Metais (former assistant):

  • (2013) 'The EU's Rule of Law promotion in its Neighbourhood: a Structural Foreign Policy Analysis', EU Diplomacy Paper, no. 4/2013, Bruges, College of Europe, January 2013 (with Stephan Keukeleire and Charles Thépaut).
  • (2013) 'Ensuring Energy Security in Europe: The EU between a Market-based and a Geopolitical Approach', EU Diplomacy Paper, no. 3/2013, Bruges, College of Europe, January 2013.
  • (2012) 'Beyond enlargement, does Turkey matter? An EU neighbourhood policy perspective', Europe – 27 etc,, 2 November 2012.
  • (2012) 'Rivalités régionales et opportunités globales: la mer Caspienne au centre d’un nouveau Grand jeu en Asie centrale', La Revue de Téhéran, n°78, mai 2012.

Publications of Charles Thépaut (former assistant):

  • (2012) 'Only big EU policy changes will give it a voice in Arab politics', Europe's World, 25 October 2012.
    • (2011) 'L'UE et les soulèvements arabes', Le Jeu De L'Oie, n°4, December 2011, pp. 42-43.
    • (2011) 'Crise interne, crise externe?', Le Jeu De l'Oie, n°4, December 2011, pp. 36-38 (with S. Keukeleire)
    • (2011) 'European Diplomats Abroad: A Diplomatic Corps?', in Quinn, Paul (ed.), Making European Diplomacy Work: Can the EEAS Deliver?, EU Diplomacy Papers, no. 8/2011, Bruges, College of Europe, December 2011.
    • (2011) 'Can the EU pressure dictators? Reforming the ENP Conditionality after the Arab Spring', EU Diplomacy Papers, no. 6/2011, Bruges, College of Europe, October 2011.

 Publications of Bohdana Dimitrovova (former assistant):

  • (2010) 'Promoting Civil Society across the Borders of the EU Neighbourhood', Geopolitics, 16(1): 176-192 (with Liam O'Dowd).
  • (2010) 'Cultural Bordering and Re-Bordering in the EU's Neighbourhood: Members, Strangers or Neighbours?', Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 18 (4): 463-481.
  • (2010) 'The EU’s Paradoxical Promotion of Civil Society in Morocco', Special Issue, Journal for European Integration, 32 (5): 523-539.



TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy (2011-2013)
EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies
College of Europe
Dijver 11
BE-8000 Bruges


Former Chairholder:
Professor Stephan Keukeleire



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