Structure of the Centre

The contents of this page will not be updated anymore as of September 2020 since the Baillet Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations ceased to exist.

The EU-China Research Centre was organised as follows:

  • The Board of the Centre carried out general oversight and gave orientations to the Director as to the Centre’s management. It was composed of a maximum of seven representatives, including the Rector of the College of Europe, the Director of the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, the Director of the Centre, a representative of the Baillet Latour Fund and experts of EU-China relations. The external Board members were Professor ZHOU Hong, Deputy Chair of the Academic Division for International Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in Beijing; and Professor Shaun BRESLIN, Director of the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick.

  • The Director of the Centre led the research activities of the Centre and was, in agreement with the Director of the Department, responsible for the planning, running and coordinating of the scholarly activities of the Centre within the framework set by the Board.

Professor Jing MEN was the first Director of the EU-China Research Centre from 2014 to 2020. She also held the Baillet Latour Chair of European Union China Relations.

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