Service provision and migration


The liberalisation of trade in services is an important objective of the European Union. The so-called Bolkestein Directive which has been adopted in December 2006 is only the most recent manifestation of the implementation of this important free movement right. At the international level the Hong Kong Round of negotiations on widening the scope of the General Agreement on Trade in Services also seeks to achieve a similar opening up of service provision internationally. However, service provision includes the movement of persons, either as service providers or employees of service providers across international borders. This study focuses on the consequences of EU and international measures on service provision for Dutch and UK immigration rules. What are the legal and empirical consequences of service provision liberalisation on Dutch and UK immigration law and policy?

Simon TANS. Service provision and migration. EU and WTO service trade liberalization and their impact on Dutch and UK immigration rules. Leiden ; Boston : Brill/Nijhoff, 2017, 472 p.