Jacques Derenne

Jacques Derenne is a member of the Brussels and Paris Bars. He is head of EU Competition & Regulatory of Sheppard Mullin in Brussels. Since 1988, Jacques has advised on all aspects of competition law (mergers, cartels, abuses of dominance, State aid, and EU litigation) and of EU law (in particular in regulated industries and services).

Jacques lectures on State aid law for the LL.M in Competition and IP Law at the University of Liège since 2006 (maître de conférences). He also taught competition law at the Brussels Bar between 2002 and 2008. He is a professor at the Brussels School of Competition where he teaches the course on The Law and Economics of State Aid with Joachim Wiemann (DG COMP) and with Vincent Verouden, Director, E.CA Economics, and former deputy chief-economist for State aid at DG COMP. He has widely published on EU constitutional, competition and regulatory issues.

Jacques is a founding member of the Global Competition Law Centre and is a member of its Scientific Council and its Executive Committee.

Partner, Sheppard Mullin, Brussels; College of Europe, Bruges, 1988; University of Liège, 1987; Associate Professor at the University of Liège (State aid law) and Professor, Brussels School of Competition.


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Farewell Mayor's Drink 2023

Mayor Dirk De Fauw welcomed the students of the David Sassoli promotion for a farewell drink on the evening of the 20 June 2023. He congratulated them on finishing the year and on the many activities...