Governance structure

The GCLC is placed under the governance of a Scientific Council, an Executive Committee, a President and a Director.  Those organs are assisted by an Executive Secretary.

  • The Scientific Council discusses the academic orientations of the GCLC, formulates proposals, assesses the activities undertaken by the GCLC and monitors its financial situation. It is composed of the President of the GCLC, the Director of the GCLC, the members of the Executive Committee and a number of ex officio representatives of the College of Europe (i.e. the Rector, the Director of the Legal Department, the Director of the Economics Department and the Director of the Executive Education, Training & Projects Office). The current members of the Scientific Council are: Jacques BOURGEOIS, Cristina CAFFARRA, Pascale DECHAMPS, Jacques DERENNE, Carles ESTEVA MOSSO, Inge GOVAERE, Beatrice DUMONT, Federica MOGHERINI, Damien GERADIN, Luc GYSELEN, Pablo IBANEZ, Assimakis KOMNINOS, Massimo MEROLA, Nicolas PETIT, Jose RIVAS, Ben SMULDERS, Robbert SNELDERS, Mario TODINO, Bernard VAN DE WALLE, Denis WAELBROECK, Damien GERARD, Ekaterina ROUSSEVA, Adina CLAICI and Bernd MEYRING. The GCLC’s Scientific Council convenes once a year.
  • The Executive Committee is in charge of the operational management of the GCLC, decides on its future activities (events and other initiatives), prepares its budget, etc.  It is headed by the President of the GCLC and is composed of the Director of the GCLC as well as of several members of the Scientific Council (including an ex officio representative of the College of Europe). The current members of the Executive Committee are: Damien GERARD, Jacques DERENNE, Inge GOVAERE, Assimakis KOMNINOS, Massimo MEROLA, Nicolas PETIT, Jose RIVAS, Bernd MEYRING, Denis WAELBROECK, Ekaterina ROUSSEVA, and Adina CLAICI. The GCLC’s executive committee convenes on a monthly basis.
  • The President is appointed for two years (renewable) by the Rector, upon proposal of the Scientific Council. He or she is in charge of representing the GCLC externally, prepares the agenda and heads the meetings of the Executive Committee, supervises the activities of the GCLC and gives guidelines to the Director as regards the daily management of the GCLC.
  • The Director is appointed for two years (renewable) by the Rector, following approval of the Academic Council of the College of Europe, and upon proposal of the Scientific Council. He or she runs the daily operations of the GCLC, proposes activities to the Executive Committee and implements the Executive Committee’s decisions. He or she is also a contact point for third parties.
  • The Executive Secretary is appointed for two years (renewable) by the Rector, following approval of the Academic Council of the College of Europe upon proposal of the Scientific Council. She or he assists the President and the Director in the daily operations of the GCLC.

General News


Statement - 16 February 2024

Since 2021, the College of Europe has adopted, also thanks to the input of students, a revised Code of Conduct that guarantees transparent and rigorous procedures to ensure that each member of the...