College Libraries


The Libraries of the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin (Warsaw) are linked to document delivery services and electronic information networks worldwide. A high priority is placed on easy access to electronic information resources and multimedia facilities, with online access to the Library catalogues available across both campuses. In addition to electronic information, both libraries also hold important print collections and extensive periodicals back-runs.

The main fields covered are law, economics, and political and administrative sciences, with some holdings also in social sciences and contemporary history relevant to the development of Europe. In Natolin, there is a particular emphasis on EU accession and post-accession issues and on issues relating to relations with the EU's new neighbour states, such as Ukraine and Russia.


The libraries host comprehensive EDCs (European Documentation Centres) - part of a worldwide network of such centres which specialise in official information from the European Union. Both libraries also have ready access to information from the Council of Europe, the OECD and other international organisations. In addition to online information access within each Library and EDC, there are dedicated Computer Rooms on both campuses offering full scale internet, e-mail, and word-processing facilities to students.

General News


Statement - 16 February 2024

Since 2021, the College of Europe has adopted, also thanks to the input of students, a revised Code of Conduct that guarantees transparent and rigorous procedures to ensure that each member of the...