
The College of Europe Library in Bruges provides access to a large collection of books and periodicals focusing on European law, economics, political and administrative sciences and international relations and diplomacy.  

  • Ground floor:
    • European Careers and Languages Centre ;
    • Reading Room (reference and book collection 01-04) ;
    • European Documentation Centre (International Organizations)
  • First floor:
    • Reading Room, book collection 05-19 ; 
    • European Documentation Centre (EU-OECD)
  • Second floor:
    • Periodicals
  • Special collections:
    • United Nations University - Comparative Regional Integration Studies: The library catalogue includes references to documents that are the property of UNU/CRIS. These publications are not physically present in the College Library but can be consulted on special request. Location: Potterierei 72, 8000 Brugge. - Contact the Library staff for further information or
    • Archives Jacques Delors: On February 17 of 2016, Jacques Delors opened his personal archives as former President of the European Commission (1984-1994) to consultation. The digital archives can be consulted upon request in our library. Useful links: inventory of Jacques Delors archives & user agreement.

General News


Statement - 16 February 2024

Since 2021, the College of Europe has adopted, also thanks to the input of students, a revised Code of Conduct that guarantees transparent and rigorous procedures to ensure that each member of the...