Acquisitions of the Bruges Library

  • Kosmo-polis EU

  • Reconstructing European copyright law for the Digital Single Market

  • La qualité pour agir devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme

  • Blackstone’s EU Treaties & Legislation 2017-2018

  • The globalization of world politics

  • National identity and Europe in times of crisis : doing and undoing Europe

  • The European Union and the Eurozone under stress

  • Fortress Europe? : Challenges and Failures of Migration and Asylum Policies

  • The Oxford handbook of international climate change law

  • Framing the EU global strategy

  • European Union law

  • The Palgrave handbook of global counterterrorism policy

  • Le monde arabe en morceaux

  • Social research methods

  • Active citizenship in Europe

General News