Nour holds a Bachelor's degree in Private Law from the University of Carthage (Tunisia), where she also pursued a Master's degree in Common Law with a focus on comparative law. As part of her program, she represented the University of Carthage in the Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot, where she was an Oralist in both the MENA pre-moot and the general rounds in Vienna. She also holds a Diploma in Political Science from the École Politique de Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and a Master's degree in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe in Natolin, where she was elected General Coordinator for the Student Representatives body.

Nour has also been very active in Tunisian civil society with numerous organizations, and she currently holds the position of Vice-President for External Affairs in the WeYouth Organization.

Her research focuses on international arbitration, migration and climate change, youth policies, regionalism and interregionalism, with specific attention to EU policies in Tunisia.

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ul. Nowoursynowska 84, PL-02-797 Warszawa
Rectorate, room 206b