Norm- und Regeltransfer in der europäischen Außenpolitik


This anthology examines the transfer of norms and rules by both governmental and non-governmental actors on an international level. It focuses particularly on the increasingly important role played by civil society actors in promoting the rule of law, human rights and democratic structures in Europe’s neighbouring regions, which it examines with the help of the external governance approach and the concept of public diplomacy.

In doing so, the book considers the roles of both established actors, such as political foundations, and those actors that tend to be overlooked in analyses of foreign policy, such as the European Youth Parliament. Furthermore, it thematises the significance of norms and rules in other areas of international relations. All in all, therefore, this book contributes to a broader understanding of foreign affairs.

Daniel GÖLER. Eckart D. STRATENSCHULTE. Norm- und Regeltransfer in der europäischen Auβenpolitik. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018, 290 p.