Successful Summer at the College of Europe Development Office!

July 2014 was a busy and exciting month for the College of Europe Development Office in Bruges: it welcomed over 130 participants from all over the world for a variety of executive training courses. These included almost 60 participants for the two executive summer trainings combined, the 21st Intensive Seminar on the EU and EU Competition Law, as well as 29 Chinese officials attending the tailor-made programme Competition Summer School for Chinese Officials.


The Intensive Seminar on the EU, which has been organized yearly since 1993, is a one-, two- or three-week training programme open to professionals from all backgrounds who want to delve deeper into the EU. Each year, in addition to stimulating, practical and informative sessions on the EU and specific policy areas delivered by high-level academics and practitioners in both English and French, the participants have the opportunity to attend a variety of extra-curricular events. This summer, besides the various social activities, participants met former MEP Marije CORNELISSEN during a speech and dinner event, attended a lively panel discussion on the current EU landscape following the financial crisis, and discussed the role of the Council Presidency after watching a documentary on the subject.


Since 2012, the Development Office has also been organizing the EU Competition Law training programme. In a week, participants were led from an advanced introduction to competition policy and the fundamentals of EU competition law to more specific modules focussing on specific business phenomena (joint ventures, cartels, distribution agreements and licenses of intellectual property rights). Despite the intense sessions, the participants also had the possibility to socialize and network with those from the other training programmes taking place at the College, especially when attending the yearly summer barbecue organized by the College of Europe for participants and former participants of the executive summer trainings.


Due to its expertise in competition policy, this summer the Development Office also organized the 2nd edition of the Competition Summer School for Chinese Officials; this two-week training programme was implemented in the framework of the EU-China Trade Project funded by the European Commission. The Chinese officials taking part in the training were from both the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. In addition to the courses on the fundamentals of competition law, its economics, related TFEU articles and much more, the participants went on a day trip to Brussels for a visit to DG Competition and to meet the Commission officials working there.


These three courses ran in parallel, making the College of Europe, even in summer, bustling with activity and a place where professional and personal connections can be made. Taking part in one of the College of Europe Development Office’s executive or tailor-made trainings is an experience that broadens one’s horizons, expertise and network of contacts – interested in joining us next year? Visit:  

July 2014 was a busy and exciting month for the College of Europe Development Office in Bruges: it welcomed over 130 participants from all over the world for a variety of executive training courses.