Lingua Natolina

Lingua Natolina is a multilingual and hybrid publication featuring art, literature, journalism, and academia. the editorial team seeks to increase intercultural dialogue in Europe and beyond.

This is achieved in three respects:

  1. Lingua Natolina promotes the inclusive use of languages by featuring pieces in a variety of languages including but not limited to: English, French, Belarusian, German, Italian, Latin, you name it!
  2. By privileging a hybrid format, we also foster creative interdisciplinary and intermedia interplay. To ensure easy access and inclusivity, all pieces are also translated into English.
  3. Lingua Natolina unites and connects an increasingly intercultural community through a series of publications, Open Mics, Poetry readings, writing competitions, and podcast episodes.

General News


Job vacancies across the three campuses

The College of Europe is currently recruiting new academic and administrative staff across its three campuses in Bruges (Belgium), Natolin (Poland) and Tirana (Albania). Don't miss out on the diverse...