International cooperation

Since its founding in 1992, the College of Europe in Natolin has been implementing and developing a highly effective internationalization strategy as one of the core features of its statutory activity. As a result of our international approach to research and teaching, every year we are hosting students and academic staff (visiting professors/researchers) from more than 30 countries.


The College of Europe in Natolin also participates in the Erasmus+ programme, giving to its students and staff the opportunity for an international mobility. More specifically, our students are able to carry out a traineeship abroad after the end of their studies at Natolin, and our staff members can improve their skills and enhance their experience by visiting another University or organisation for a teaching or training mobility.

At the same time, the College of Europe in Natolin is always open to proposals for new partnerships and projects under other Erasmus+ Actions and Programmes, in particular Partnerships for Cooperation, Alliances for Innovation and Capacity building (for higher education).

For further information please visit our Erasmus+ section and contact us at:

General News


Job vacancies across the three campuses

The College of Europe is currently recruiting new academic and administrative staff across its three campuses in Bruges (Belgium), Natolin (Poland) and Tirana (Albania). Don't miss out on the diverse...