L’Europe un espace de liberté


Europe faces a challenge similar to that faced in the 18th century. At that time was invented the democratic nation-state and in its wake, the concept of citizenship. Considered as a political individualised regardless of original affiliation, each citizen plays a role in defining the political and legal order of his country and this is done in a forward-looking way. However, this approach is opposed to the current nationalist tendencies that have been trying to lock people in a collective identity linked to original affiliation and a backward looking vision.

In spite of this, a new vision of State has been emerging within the European Union. It has nothing to do with a new State, but mostly with institutionalised cooperation. Citizens who have acquired their political identity can become European citizens, even if their original country is not part of the Union.

Gret HALLER. L’Europe un espace de liberté : le rôle politique de l’individu en des temps de nationalisme. Paris : Economica, 2018, 110 p.