Letter to the alumni of the Charles IV Promotion

Dear Alumni of the Charles IV Promotion

Seven years ago the College of Europe started a fundraising action among the alumni of the College. A Scholarship Fund for each promotion (up to 2000-2001) has been created. So far we have received commitments from 323 alumni for a total sum of € € 840 353 (situation January 2022). This allowed us to already attribute 13 full, 20 half and 3 partial scholarships during the period 2014-2021! A full overview of all awarded Promotion Scholarships can be found here.

The Charles IV Promotion scholarship fund collected so far € 9210. Mr & Ms Emery, both classmates of your promotion, would like to activate the Charles IV Scholarship Fund.

A couple of weeks ago we received the following email from Veronica & Alex Emery:

“We would like to confirm that in honour of our 30th anniversary of our promotion’s year in Bruges, Veronica and I will fund one scholarship (€26,000) for the academic year 2022-2023. In addition, we would like to propose a ‘matching fund’ of up to an additional €26,000 contributed by us. The idea is to encourage our classmates to participate. For each additional euro contributed by members of the Charles IV promotion, we will match it euro for euro, up to a cap of €26,000. The aim is to reach a total of three scholarships in honour of the three decades since we graduated.”

The College of Europe is very grateful for this generous support. Herewith we kindly invite you to respond to the call of your classmates Veronica & Alex Emery.  

How to donate?

  • If you wish to support the Charles IV Scholarship Fund, please find here more detailed information.
  • A contribution can be spread over several years.
  • Fill in the online pledge form.
  • A donation can be made directly to the College of Europe:
    • IBAN: BE32 0013 7058 1102 - BIC: GEBABEBB
    • Communication: Charles IV Scholarship Fund
  • In addition, tax-efficient donations can be made through the King Baudouin Foundation (for Belgian residents only) or through a Transnational Giving Europe (TGE)-partner in the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
    • The bank account details can be found in the prospectus
    • It is very important to use the following communication whilst making a donation through a TGE partner: TGE – College of Europe – 1992-1993 – Belgium.
      (this reference will help the TGE partner to address your donation to the College of Europe).

We thank you for your support!

Frédérique Berrod
Godmother Charles IV Promotion

Prof. Dr. Norbert Vanhove
Treasurer College of Europe



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