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​La Voix du Collège is there for students who enjoy writing about the EU or any other topic or just want to share a story with their fellow students. The dedicated team of students of the Mário Soares Promotion is happy to publish contributions on any topic our students feel passionate about.

The editorial team decided to dedicate this academic year to the promotion of student well-being, most importantly to their physical and mental health in these challenging times. Soaristas who would like to share their experiences or coping strategies, can contact their College newspaper at any time!


​​Suggested wordcount

  • News: 500 words
  • Academia : about 1000 words
  • Opinion: 500 - 1.000 words
  • Creative writing: 1.200
  • L'esprit du Collège (College and Brugges lifestyle): 500 - 1.000 words
  • Students' associations: 500 words

For any student association that would want to present its team and program for the year, do not hesitate to send a short presentation to La Voix du Collège!

​Working languages

The editors are calling for articles in the working languages of the College English and French, BUT are open to articles in other languages in order to represent the enriching language diversity at the College of Europe!


​Students can send their articles to

​LVdC is looking forward to receive all those great contributions!

Yours sincerely,
The Editorial Team of La Voix du Collège

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Hereby we present to you the Soares editorial team of La Voix du Collège for this academic year ! 

Chief Editor: Iva BRAJKOVIĆ
Assistant Editor/Treasurer: Szabolcs ZOLDRETI
Copy Editor: Maeve O'CONNOR
Editor of the News Section: Giorgi TSKHAKAIA
Editors of the Politics Section: Miloš MIRKOVIĆ, Myriam Dziewit BENALLAOUA,
Editor of the Culture Section: Dounia van DROOGHENBROECK
Editor of the Entertainment section:  Lynn KIEFFER 
Social Media Manager: Susanne KRENZER


P.S. As of February 2021 you can read La Voix du Collège on the College website. To see the great work of the previous promotions, please follow this link:


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LA VOIX DU COLLÈGE - After all, what is a community without a newspaper?

"La Voix du Collège" is a student run bilingual online newspaper founded by alumnus Nathan DE ARRIBA-SELLIER in September 2015.  The aim is to provide the students with a space, where they can fully raise their "voice" to freely express themselves and share their experiences with the College community, both in the academic and personal level. This means that it is a place of understanding, concord and dialogue. The dedicated team of students is constantly working on various articles and posts for their online website plus their bigger, themed editions covering issues relevant to their College experience. 

How to get in touch with the editors of La Voix du Collège? Send an e-mail to for any comments or questions!

Follow them and like them in this laboratory of the European Renaissance!

Facebook Group
Twitter @LVduCollege 
Instagram @lavoixducollege 





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Chaire de Civilisation européenne

Grâce au soutien de l’Union européenne et en particulier du Parlement européen, le campus de Natolin du Collège d’Europe à Varsovie a créé la Chaire de Civilisation européenne en mémoire du Professeur Bronisław Geremek †. La mission de la Chaire consiste à enseigner et encourager une réflexion sur l’histoire européenne récente dans le contexte plus large de la civilisation européenne, croyant que la compréhension du passé de l’Europe nous aide à imaginer et à façonner l’avenir de l’Europe. Plus particulièrement, l’accent est mis sur l’Eu

Lingua Natolina est une publication multilingue et hybride mettant en avant l'art, la littérature, le journalisme et le monde académique. L'équipe éditoriale cherche à accroître le dialogue interculturel en Europe et au-delà.

Cela se réalise selon trois principaux aspects :

  1. Lingua Natolina promeut l'utilisation inclusive des langues en présentant des articles dans une variété de langues, notamment l'anglais, le français, le biélorusse, l'allemand, l'italien, le latin, et bien d'autres !

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