• La matière – Le droit européen se présente comme un droit doté de multiples facettes et qui se développe et évolue rapidement. Il constitue à l’heure actuelle une discipline juridique moderne et fascinante. De nos jours, une connaissance solide et profonde de cette matière apparaît nécessaire, voire essentielle, à tout juriste.
  • Le programme – Le programme propose une étude approfondie du droit de l'UE.

Le programme d’Études politiques et de gouvernance européennes est à la fois axé sur l’excellence académique et sur le développement professionnel.

  • 24 February 2022, Panel discussion on the "Rule of Law Conditionality in the wake of the judgments in Cases C-156/21 and C-157/21" 
  • 14 February 2020, Journal launch, Panel Debate discussing the JCMS Special Issue on "Collective Iden

Le contenu de cette page ne sera plus mis à jour à partir de septembre 2020 puisque la Chaire Baillet Latour des relations Union européenne-Chine a cessé d'exister

‘Forging transatlantic leaders’

Why study transatlantic affairs?

US Ambassador to the EU Mark Gitenstein at the MATA 5-year anniversary


The 21st century brings with it numerous complex problems that the United States and the European Union can best address together. Challenges related to climate change trade,  financial stability, the global and regional security architecture (including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and other urgent matters such as the fight against extremism and the defense of democracy must be tackled by a new generation of experts who can assume influential roles in transatlantic affairs.

To prepare graduates for positions of leadership in transatlantic affairs, the College of Europe - the world's first university institute of postgraduate studies and training in European affairs - partners with The Fletcher School – the first graduate-only school of international affairs in the United States – to offer a unique joint degree: the Master of Arts in Transatlantic Affairs (MATA).

Students in the MATA programme spend one year on each side of the Atlantic. Both institutions integrate students into a close-knit, multinational, and intercultural learning environment. The first year is dedicated to coursework, including a joint course on transatlantic affairs in which students in Europe and the United States learn from a variety of experts about the most pressing issues in transatlantic affairs and work on specific projects.  The second year includes a high-level internship with a transatlantic focus, a master's thesis and further coursework at the partner institution.

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