Study Track: Politics and Governance

Academic Year 2023-2024 

Why follow the Politics and Governance study track? 

Students can diversify their studies of transatlantic affairs with a course programme offering indepth study of the EU’s institutions, governance structure, and policy areas, both internal and external. This provides advantages to students desiring to work in EU and transatlantic affairs in the future by providing a comprehensive knowledge of the EU’s policy priorities and complex institutional operations. 

The MATA degree, with its academics, professional experience and even the experience on both sides of the Atlantic, provided me with some of the keys to pursue and actively engage in a successful career in transatlantic trade and economic affairs. I can hardly wait.”

Cecilia Perez Weigel, MATA-POL student, class of 2023




Students starting at the College of Europe

Students starting at the Fletcher School


Students starting at the College of Europe 


1 MATA compulsory course (27h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Transatlantic Affairs (J. SHATTUCK & I. LESSER)

2 POL compulsory courses (40h, 7 ECTS)

Politics and Policy-Making of the EU (O. COSTA)

The Political Economy of European Integration (M. CHANG)

POL workshops in professional development—some may be taught during the second semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

Retour de la guerre en Europe : quelles conséquences sur le cours de l’intégration européenne ? (A. ADAM)

European Democracy: Citizen Participation in and Beyond Elections (A. ALEMANNO)

How to Brief a European Decision-Maker: Political Communication in the EU Institutions (H. BANNER and D. SCHÄFER)

Rule of Law in the EU: Tools and Challenges (R.COMAN)

EU Transport Policy and EU Space Policy (F. DECOSTER, F. VERSINI)

La politique industrielle de l’Union européenne (D. Herbert )

The UK and the EU: From Awkward Member State to Difficult Neighbour? (H. KASSIM)

NATO’s Future and NATO-EU Relations: Building Bridges Across Brussels (A. PAPAIOANNOU)

EU Lobbying: Demystifying the Reality—Demonstrating the Democratic Necessity (R. PATTEN)

Assistants Parlementaires et Collaborateurs d’Elus (F. SAINT MARTIN)

How to Find Work in the European Union and Its Institutions (M. WESTLAKE)

Online Communications in EU Policymaking (J. WORTH)

Women's Leadership in the European Union (M. VALDINI)

The European Union and Russia  (M. VALDINI)

MATA-POL Thesis and Internship Preparation

Select thesis supervisor from College of Europe and from Fletcher

Begin internship search




2 MATA compulsory courses

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: Transatlantic Project (B. BERTI & B. LETE, 5 ECTS, 20h)

Southern Atlanticism: Rethinking Mental Maps of Transatlantic Relations I. LESSER, no ECTS, 8h)

POL simulation game compulsory (50h, 7 ECTS)


3 POL optional courses (30h, 5 ECTS)


Negotiation and Decision-making in the EU: A Simulation Game (P. SETTEMBRI & C. HERMANIN & J. WORTH)


EU Institutions and Administration

  •  Working in the EU Institutions, why, what and how : Theory and Practice (A. DEMBLANS)
  • Delegated and Implementing Acts (GUEGUEN D. & MARISSEN V)
  • The Future of Europe : Understanding and Designing Europe´s Differentiated Present and Future (KAEDING M.)
  • The European Parliament in the EU’s Political System (LEHMANN W. & RIPOLL SERVENT A.)
  • The Council of the EU – Law-Making, Policy Coordination and Executive Power (PUETTER U.)
  • La Commission européenne en pers-/pros-pective : métiers, mutations, réformes (SZAPIRO M)
  • Les finances publiques de l’Union européenne (VITREY de GARDEBOSC A.)
  • The European Council : A Real World Analysis of the Leaders’ Institution through Practical Exercises and Insider Insights (WESSELS W.)

EU internal Policies

  • EU Digital Law and Policies (BAILEY M. & JURETZKI B.)
  • La politique du marché intérieur, enjeux et perspectives juridiques (BERROD F. & MUNOZ R.)
  • European Energy, Climate Governance and Green Deal (BUSCHLE D.)
  • EMU and Euro Area Governance (CHANG M. & GLÖCKLER G.)
  • Welfare and Social Policy-Making in the EU (CRESPY A.)
  • EU Environmental and Climate Policy (DELREUX T.)
  • Le numérique et les transformations de l’action publique européenne (E. PEETERS)

European Governance

  • Interest Representation in the EU (COEN D. & KATSAITIS A.)
  • A Practical Approach to Preparing and Managing EU Projects (HOREL S. & SABBATELLI M.R.)
Europe and the World
  • EU Foreign Policy : Context and Priorities (GREVI G.)
  • Geopolitical Europe: Governing Security and Markets (HOEFFLER C)
  • The EU and its Neighbourhood : Towards a ‘Closer Political Association’ and a ‘Deeper Economic Integration’ (LANNON E.)

MATA POL thesis preparation


Research seminar for the writing of the thesis proposal (30h, no ECTS)

Submit thesis proposal


L’Union européenne face aux crises : légitimité, politisation, populisme, partis politiques, désinformation (BRACK N.).

Le policy-making de l’Union européenne : politiques publiques, Parlement européen, européanisation, partis, représentation d’intérêts (COSTA O.)

EU Governance and Integration : Common Policies, Institutions, Eurozone, (Digital) Single Market, Globalisation, EU Crises (HODSON D.)

The EU’s International Role and External Action: CFSP, CSDP, EEAS, Enlargement, ENP, Russia, EU’s Power (JUNCOS A.)

EU Multi-Level Governance : Citizens, Civil Society Actors, Political Parties (VAN INGELGOM V.)

Law and Politics in the EU : Public Policies, Law and Politics, Interest Groups, Norms, Hard Law/Soft Law, CJEU, Commission (SAURUGGER S.)

EU Reform : Institutional Change, Constitutional Issues, EU Politics (WESTLAKE M.)

European Security Matters : Crisis Management, Deterrence and Defence, Emerging and Unconventional Threats (WESTON A.)

POL workshops in professional development—some may be taught during the first semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

Retour de la guerre en Europe : quelles conséquences sur le cours de l’intégration européenne ? (A. ADAM)

European Democracy: Citizen Participation in and Beyond Elections (A. ALEMANNO)

How to Brief a European Decision-Maker: Political Communication in the EU Institutions (H. BANNER and D. SCHÄFER)

Rule of Law in the EU: Tools and Challenges (R.COMAN)

EU Transport Policy and EU Space Policy (F. DECOSTER, F. VERSINI)

La politique industrielle de l’Union européenne (D. Herbert )

The UK and the EU: From Awkward Member State to Difficult Neighbour? (H. KASSIM)

NATO’s Future and NATO-EU Relations: Building Bridges Across Brussels (A. PAPAIOANNOU)

EU Lobbying: Demystifying the Reality—Demonstrating the Democratic Necessity (R. PATTEN)

Assistants Parlementaires et Collaborateurs d’Elus (F. SAINT MARTIN)

How to Find Work in the European Union and Its Institutions (M. WESTLAKE)

Online Communications in EU Policymaking (J. WORTH)

Women's Leadership in the European Union (M. VALDINI)

The European Union and Russia  (M. VALDINI)


MATA study trip to Brussels

POL study trip to Luxembourg and Strasbourg

Internship search


Option 1: POL Study Track Year 2

POL STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 3 at The Fletcher School      

4 courses at The Fletcher School, 24 ECTS


At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible



MATA thesis submission, 25 ECTS

High-level internship, 25 ECTS


Option 2: POL Study Track Year 2


High-level internship, 25 ECTS


POL STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 4 at the Fletcher School      

MATA thesis submission, 25 ECTS

4 courses at The Fletcher School, 24 ECTS


At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible



Students starting at the Fletcher School

POL STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 1 at the Fletcher School

1 MATA compulsory course (27h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Transatlantic Affairs (J. SHATTUCK & I. LESSER)

4 Fletcher courses, 24 ECTS

At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible

MATA-POL Thesis and Internship Preparation

Select thesis supervisor from College of Europe (select from professors teaching Research Seminars) and from Fletcher

Begin internship search



POL STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 2 at the Fletcher School

1 MATA compulsory course (20h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: Transatlantic Project (B. BERTI & B. LETE)

4 Fletcher courses, 24 ECTS

At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible

MATA POL thesis and internship preparation

Submit thesis proposal

Continue internship search




High-level internship



MATA Thesis submission (25 ECTS)

MATA compulsory compact seminar (8h, no ECTS)

Southern Atlanticism: Rethinking Mental Maps of Transatlantic Relations (I. LESSER)

POL simulation game (30h, 7 ECTS)


3 POL optional courses (30h, 5 ECTS)



Negotiation and Decision-making in the EU: A Simulation Game (P. SETTEMBRI & C. HERMANIN & J. WORTH)


EU Institutions and Administration

  •  Working in the EU Institutions, why, what and how : Theory and Practice (A. DEMBLANS)
  • Delegated and Implementing Acts (GUEGUEN D. & MARISSEN V)
  • The Future of Europe : Understanding and Designing Europe´s Differentiated Present and Future (KAEDING M.)
  • The European Parliament in the EU’s Political System (LEHMANN W. & RIPOLL SERVENT A.)
  • The Council of the EU – Law-Making, Policy Coordination and Executive Power (PUETTER U.)
  • La Commission européenne en pers-/pros-pective : métiers, mutations, réformes (SZAPIRO M)
  • Les finances publiques de l’Union européenne (VITREY de GARDEBOSC A.)
  • The European Council : A Real World Analysis of the Leaders’ Institution through Practical Exercises and Insider Insights (WESSELS W.)

EU internal Policies

  • EU Digital Law and Policies (BAILEY M. & JURETZKI B.)
  • La politique du marché intérieur, enjeux et perspectives juridiques (BERROD F. & MUNOZ R.)
  • European Energy, Climate Governance and Green Deal (BUSCHLE D.)
  • EMU and Euro Area Governance (CHANG M. & GLÖCKLER G.)
  • Welfare and Social Policy-Making in the EU (CRESPY A.)
  • EU Environmental and Climate Policy (DELREUX T.)
  • Le numérique et les transformations de l’action publique européenne (E. PEETERS)

European Governance

  • Interest Representation in the EU (COEN D. & KATSAITIS A.)
  • A Practical Approach to Preparing and Managing EU Projects (HOREL S. & SABBATELLI M.R.)
Europe and the World
  • EU Foreign Policy : Context and Priorities (GREVI G.)
  • Geopolitical Europe: Governing Security and Markets (HOEFFLER C.)
  • The EU and its Neighbourhood : Towards a ‘Closer Political Association’ and a ‘Deeper Economic Integration’ (LANNON E.)

Research seminar for the writing of the thesis (30h, 1 ECTS)

L’Union européenne face aux crises : légitimité, politisation, populisme, partis politiques, désinformation (BRACK N.).

Le policy-making de l’Union européenne : politiques publiques, Parlement européen, européanisation, partis, représentation d’intérêts (COSTA O.)

EU Governance and Integration : Common Policies, Institutions, Eurozone, (Digital) Single Market, Globalisation, EU Crises (HODSON D.)

The EU’s International Role and External Action: CFSP, CSDP, EEAS, Enlargement, ENP, Russia, EU’s Power (JUNCOS A.)

EU Multi-Level Governance : Citizens, Civil Society Actors, Political Parties (VAN INGELGOM V.)

Law and Politics in the EU : Public Policies, Law and Politics, Interest Groups, Norms, Hard Law/Soft Law, CJEU, Commission (SAURUGGER S.)

EU Reform : Institutional Change, Constitutional Issues, EU Politics (WESTLAKE M.)

European Security Matters : Crisis Management, Deterrence and Defence, Emerging and Unconventional Threats (WESTON A.)

Study trips


MATA study trip to Brussels

POL study trip to Luxembourg and Geneva

POL workshops in professional development—some may be taught during the first semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

Retour de la guerre en Europe : quelles conséquences sur le cours de l’intégration européenne ? (A. ADAM)

European Democracy: Citizen Participation in and Beyond Elections (A. ALEMANNO)

How to Brief a European Decision-Maker: Political Communication in the EU Institutions (H. BANNER and D. SCHÄFER)

Rule of Law in the EU: Tools and Challenges (R.COMAN)

EU Transport Policy and EU Space Policy (F. DECOSTER, F. VERSINI)

La politique industrielle de l’Union européenne (D. Herbert )

The UK and the EU: From Awkward Member State to Difficult Neighbour? (H. KASSIM)

NATO’s Future and NATO-EU Relations: Building Bridges Across Brussels (A. PAPAIOANNOU)

EU Lobbying: Demystifying the Reality—Demonstrating the Democratic Necessity (R. PATTEN)

Assistants Parlementaires et Collaborateurs d’Elus (F. SAINT MARTIN)

How to Find Work in the European Union and Its Institutions (M. WESTLAKE)

Online Communications in EU Policymaking (J. WORTH)

Women's Leadership in the European Union (M. VALDINI)

The European Union and Russia  (M. VALDINI)


PDF version: POL STUDY TRACK 2023-24

General News


Job vacancies across the three campuses

The College of Europe is currently recruiting new academic and administrative staff across its three campuses in Bruges (Belgium), Natolin (Poland) and Tirana (Albania). Don't miss out on the diverse...