Study Track: European Legal Studies

Academic Year 2023-2024

Why follow the European Legal Studies study track? 

MATA students wishing to focus on legal studies will benefit from a set of high-quality complementary courses in EU and International Law offered at the two institutions, as well as the MATA-specific course on transatlantic affairs. This will provide an all-round transatlantic legal education that will serve graduates in a variety of professional settings, from legal practice to public policy and academia. 


Students starting at the College of Europe

Students starting at the Fletcher School


Students starting at the College of Europe 


1 MATA compulsory course (27h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Transatlantic Affairs (J. SHATTUCK & I. LESSER)

4 LAW compulsory courses

Legal Skills : Case Law Analysis (GARBEN S, no ECTS, 10h)

The Constitution(alisation) of EU Law (GARBEN S., 7 ECTS, 30h)

Judicial Remedies in EU Law (TRIDIMAS T., 7 ECTS, 40h)

EU Competition Law and Regulation (MEYRING B., 4 ECTS, 20h

LAW compact seminars—some may be taught during the second semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

  • Droit et politique de l'Union de l'énergie - Le rôle de la réglementation et de l'innovation  (ANDOURA S.)
  • Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Legal Impact on the Role of the EU as Global Actor (BLOCKMANS S.)
  • EU Agencies : Shifting Paradigms of EU Administration (CHAMON M. & VOS E.)
  • La crise du Covid : vers une Europe de la Santé ? (DELSAUX P.)
  • The European Ombudsman and Citizen Complaints: Building EU Legitimacy through Accountability (DIEZ SANCHEZ L. & O’REILLY E.)
  • The Collaborative Economy under EU Law (HATZOPOULOS V.)
  • Typologie des cadres et fondements juridiques liant l’Union européenne aux 22 membres de la Ligue des États arabes (LANNON E.)
  • EU International Sanctions: Legal Challenges for Implementation and Judicial Review (MAHNIC P. & SIGNES DE MESA I.)
  • Parlement européen : le défi de la complexité (MARTINEZ IGLESIAS M.J. & VISAGGIO L.)
  • Libéralisation des services d’intérêt économique general (MOAVERO-MILANESI E.)
  • Protection des consommateurs et libre circulation des marchandises et des services (PICOD F.)
  • Artificial Intelligence: Legal Stakes and Challenges (RENDA A.)
  • The CJEU and the ECHR post Opinion 2/13 (ROSAS A.)
  • Comparative Federalism : The Division of Powers in the United States, Germany and the EU (SCHÜTZE R.)
  • The Law of the Banking Union and Capital Markets Union (CMU) (TORNESE E.)
  • The Impact of EU Law on International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (VAJDA C., VAN HOOFT A. & GRIERSON J.)

Ateliers pratiques / Workshops

  • La CJEU : dynamique, approche, règles et fonctionnement (5 x 2 h.)

da SILVA PASSOS R., Judge at the General Court of the EU

MC KECHNIE L., Judge at the Supreme Court Dublin

O’LEARY S., Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

ROSSI L.S., Judge at the Court of Justice of the EU

SZPUNAR M., Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU

  • How to Write a PhD Thesis in Law? (3 h.)

MADURO M., Professor European University Institute

  • Legal Technology (4 h.)

PESCH T., Associate Attorney, White & Case LLP

MATA-LAW Thesis and Internship Preparation

Select thesis supervisor from College of Europe and from Fletcher

Begin internship search




2 MATA compulsory courses

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: Transatlantic Project (B. BERTI & B. LETE, 5 ECTS, 20h)

Southern Atlanticism: Rethinking Mental Maps of Transatlantic Relations (I. LESSER, no ECTS, 8h)

1 LAW compulsory course (30h, 6 ECTS)


3 LAW seminars (25h, 4 ECTS)


LAW compulsory course

  • External Relations Law of the EU Autonomous Legal Order   (GOVAERE I.)

LAW seminars (select 3)

  • EMU, Financial Market Regulation and Supervision (AMTENBRINK F.)
  • Regulatory Aspects of the Digital Single Market (CHIRICO F. & ROCHE LAGUNA I.)
  • Economics of Competition Law (COPPI L.)
  • Legal Transition in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe from a Pre-accession Dimension into a Post-accession Reality (CZUCZAI J.)
  • Changement climatique et politique energetique en droit européen et international (DE SEPIBUS J.)
  • Droit des industries de réseau : entre concurrence et regulation (DE STREEL A.)
  • EU Migration Law and Practice (GUILD E.)
  • Revindication, contestation et dialogue en droit constitutionnel européen: Uni dans sa diversité? (HANF D.)
  • EU Intellectual Property in the Age of Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (JAEGER T.)
  • EU Competition Law Procedure  (LAMADRID A.)
  • The EU and its Neighbourhood : Typology and Content of the Legal Frameworks (MARESCEAU M.)
  • Droit agroalimentaire de l'Union européenne (MESTRE C.)
  • EU Data Protection Law (NEMITZ P.)
  • European Private International Law (NIELSEN P.A.)
  • European Environmental Law and Policy (NOTARO N.)
  • Droit fiscal européen (ROCCATAGLIATA F.)
  • EU Law and Intellectual Property (SIRAGUSA M.)
  • Ensuring Sustainability through EU Law (SJAFJELL B.)
  • Le respect de l’Etat de droit dans l’Union européenne et ses Etats members (SMULDERS B.)
  • New Directions in EU Trade Law & Policy (VAN DAMME I.)
  • WTO Law : Substantive and Institutional Aspects (VAN DEN BOSSCHE P.)
  • Droit pénal européen et protection des droits de l'homme (VERVAELE J.)
  • Le contrôle des concentrations (WACHSMANN A.)

LAW compact seminars—some may be taught during the first semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

  • Droit et politique de l'Union de l'énergie - Le rôle de la réglementation et de l'innovation  (ANDOURA S.)
  • Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Legal Impact on the Role of the EU as Global Actor (BLOCKMANS S.)
  • EU Agencies : Shifting Paradigms of EU Administration (CHAMON M. & VOS E.)
  • La crise du Covid : vers une Europe de la Santé ? (DELSAUX P.)
  • The European Ombudsman and Citizen Complaints: Building EU Legitimacy through Accountability (DIEZ SANCHEZ L. & O’REILLY E.)
  • The Collaborative Economy under EU Law (HATZOPOULOS V.)
  • Typologie des cadres et fondements juridiques liant l’Union européenne aux 22 membres de la Ligue des États arabes (LANNON E.)
  • EU International Sanctions: Legal Challenges for Implementation and Judicial Review (MAHNIC P. & SIGNES DE MESA I.)
  • Parlement européen : le défi de la complexité (MARTINEZ IGLESIAS M.J. & VISAGGIO L.)
  • Libéralisation des services d’intérêt économique general (MOAVERO-MILANESI E.)
  • Protection des consommateurs et libre circulation des marchandises et des services (PICOD F.)
  • Artificial Intelligence: Legal Stakes and Challenges (RENDA A.)
  • The CJEU and the ECHR post Opinion 2/13 (ROSAS A.)
  • Comparative Federalism : The Division of Powers in the United States, Germany and the EU (SCHÜTZE R.)
  • The Law of the Banking Union and Capital Markets Union (CMU) (TORNESE E.)
  • The Impact of EU Law on International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (VAJDA C., VAN HOOFT A. & GRIERSON J.)

Ateliers pratiques / Workshops

  • La CJEU : dynamique, approche, règles et fonctionnement (5 x 2 h.)

da SILVA PASSOS R., Judge at the General Court of the EU

MC KECHNIE L., Judge at the Supreme Court Dublin

O’LEARY S., Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

ROSSI L.S., Judge at the Court of Justice of the EU

SZPUNAR M., Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU

  • How to Write a PhD Thesis in Law? (3 h.)

MADURO M., Professor European University Institute

  • Legal Technology (4 h.)

PESCH T., Associate Attorney, White & Case LLP


MATA study trip to Brussels

LAW study trip to Luxembourg and Strasbourg

MATA-LAW Thesis and Internship Preparation

Submit thesis proposal

Continue internship search


Option 1: LAW Study Track Year 2

LAW STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 3 at The Fletcher School

4 courses at The Fletcher School, 24 ECTS


At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible



MATA thesis submission, 25 ECTS

High-level internship, 25 ECTS


Option 2: LAW Study Track Year 2


High-level internship, 25 ECTS


LAW STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 4 at the Fletcher School      

MATA thesis submission, 25 ECTS

4 courses at The Fletcher School, 24 ECTS


At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible


Students starting at the Fletcher School

LAW STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 1 at the Fletcher School 

1 MATA compulsory course (27h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Transatlantic Affairs (J. SHATTUCK & I. LESSER)

4 Fletcher courses, 24 ECTS

At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible

MATA-LAW Thesis and Internship Preparation

Select thesis supervisor from College of Europe and from Fletcher

Begin internship search



LAW STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 2 at the Fletcher School

1 MATA compulsory course (20h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: Transatlantic Project (B. BERTI & B. LETE)

4 Fletcher courses, 24 ECTS

At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible

MATA-LAW Thesis and Internship Preparation

Submit thesis proposal

Continue internship search




High-level internship, 25 ECTS



MATA Thesis submission (25 ECTS)

MATA compulsory compact seminar (8h, no ECTS)

Southern Atlanticism: Rethinking Mental Maps of Transatlantic Relations (I. LESSER)

2 LAW compulsory courses


3 LAW seminars (25h, 4 ECTS)


LAW compulsory course

  • External Relations Law of the EU Autonomous Legal Order   (GOVAERE I., 6 ECTS, 30h)
  • Legal Skills : The College of Europe Moot Court (GARBEN S., no ECTS, 10h)

LAW seminars (select 3)

  • EMU, Financial Market Regulation and Supervision (AMTENBRINK F.)
  • Economics of Competition Law (COPPI L.)
  • Regulatory Aspects of the Digital Single Market (CHIRICO F. & ROCHE LAGUNA I.)
  • Legal Transition in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe from a Pre-accession Dimension into a Post-accession Reality (CZUCZAI J.)
  • Changement climatique et politique energetique en droit européen et international (J. DE SEPIBUS)
  • Droit des industries de réseau : entre concurrence et regulation (DE STREEL A.)
  • EU Migration Law and Practice (GUILD E.)
  • Revindication, contestation et dialogue en droit constitutionnel européen: Uni dans sa diversité? (HANF D.)
  • EU Intellectual Property in the Age of Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (JAEGER T.)
  • EU Competition Law Procedure  (LAMADRID A.)
  • The EU and its Neighbourhood : Typology and Content of the Legal Frameworks (MARESCEAU M.)
  • Droit agroalimentaire de l'Union européenne (MESTRE C.)
  • EU Data Protection Law (NEMITZ P.)
  • European Private International Law (NIELSEN P.A.)
  • European Environmental Law and Policy (NOTARO N.)
  • Droit fiscal européen (ROCCATAGLIATA F.)
  • EU Law and Intellectual Property (SIRAGUSA M.)
  • Ensuring Sustainability through EU Law (SJAFJELL B.)
  • Le respect de l’Etat de droit dans l’Union européenne et ses Etats members (SMULDERS B.)
  • New Directions in EU Trade Law & Policy (VAN DAMME I.)
  • WTO Law : Substantive and Institutional Aspects (VAN DEN BOSSCHE P.)
  • Droit pénal européen et protection des droits de l'homme (VERVAELE J.)
  • Le contrôle des concentrations (WACHSMANN A.)

LAW compact seminars—some may be taught during the first semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

  • Droit et politique de l'Union de l'énergie - Le rôle de la réglementation et de l'innovation  (ANDOURA S.)
  • Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Legal Impact on the Role of the EU as Global Actor (BLOCKMANS S.)
  • EU Agencies : Shifting Paradigms of EU Administration (CHAMON M. & VOS E.)
  • La crise du Covid : vers une Europe de la Santé ? (DELSAUX P.)
  • The European Ombudsman and Citizen Complaints: Building EU Legitimacy through Accountability (DIEZ SANCHEZ L. & O’REILLY E.)
  • The Collaborative Economy under EU Law (HATZOPOULOS V.)
  • Typologie des cadres et fondements juridiques liant l’Union européenne aux 22 membres de la Ligue des États arabes (LANNON E.)
  • EU International Sanctions: Legal Challenges for Implementation and Judicial Review (MAHNIC P. & SIGNES DE MESA I.)
  • Parlement européen : le défi de la complexité (MARTINEZ IGLESIAS M.J. & VISAGGIO L.)
  • Libéralisation des services d’intérêt économique general (MOAVERO-MILANESI E.)
  • Protection des consommateurs et libre circulation des marchandises et des services (PICOD F.)
  • Artificial Intelligence: Legal Stakes and Challenges (RENDA A.)
  • The CJEU and the ECHR post Opinion 2/13 (ROSAS A.)
  • Comparative Federalism : The Division of Powers in the United States, Germany and the EU (SCHÜTZE R.)
  • The Law of the Banking Union and Capital Markets Union (CMU) (TORNESE E.)
  • The Impact of EU Law on International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (VAJDA C., VAN HOOFT A. & GRIERSON J.)

Ateliers pratiques / Workshops

  • La CJEU : dynamique, approche, règles et fonctionnement (5 x 2 h.)

da SILVA PASSOS R., Judge at the General Court of the EU

MC KECHNIE L., Judge at the Supreme Court Dublin

O’LEARY S., Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

ROSSI L.S., Judge at the Court of Justice of the EU

SZPUNAR M., Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU

  • How to Write a PhD Thesis in Law? (3 h.)

MADURO M., Professor European University Institute

  • Legal Technology (4 h.)

PESCH T., Associate Attorney, White & Case LLP

Study trips

MATA study trip to Brussels

LAW study trip to Luxembourg and Strasbourg


PDF version: LAW STUDY TRACK 2023-24

General News


Job vacancies across the three campuses

The College of Europe is currently recruiting new academic and administrative staff across its three campuses in Bruges (Belgium), Natolin (Poland) and Tirana (Albania). Don't miss out on the diverse...