Study Track: International Relations and Diplomacy


Academic Year 2023-2024

Why follow the International Relations and Diplomacy study track? 

Given the strong emphasis of the educational offer on international relations and diplomacy at both the College of Europe and The Fletcher School, MATA students may choose to focus on these aspects as part of their study programme on transatlantic affairs 

MATA 2022-2023
MATA students with former US Ambassador to the EU Anthony Gardner.

I've learned academic knowledge and developed professional skills that will allow me to pursue a strong diplomatic or political career within international organisations. Adam Beunardeau-Pammen, class of 2024


Students starting at the College of Europe

Students starting at the Fletcher School


Students starting at the College of Europe 


1 MATA compulsory course (27h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Transatlantic Affairs (J. SHATTUCK & I. LESSER)

5 IRD compulsory courses

IRD compulsory courses

  • EU Institutions and Decision-Making (C. LORD, 1 ECTS, 15h)
  • EU Foreign and Security Policy (A. JUNCOS, 3.5 ECTS, 20h)
  • International and EU Negotiation Analysis (F. MARCHI, 3.5 ECTS, 20h)

IRD compulsory courses (select 2)

  • External Dimensions of EU Internal Policies: Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment (S. SCHUNZ, 3.5 ECTS, 10h) OR External Dimensions of EU Internal Policies: Migration, Gender, and Religious Engagement (S. WOLFF, 3.5 ECTS, 10h)
  • EU Diplomacy in Practice (G. WIEGAND, 3.5 ECTS, 20h)
  • Legal Aspects of the EU’s External Relations (J. WOUTERS, 3.5 ECTS, 20h)
  • The EU in a Global Political Economy Context (S. GSTÖHL, 3.5 ECTS, 20h)

MATA-IRD Thesis and Internship Preparation

Optional course: Research Design in EU External Action Studies (S. GSTÖHL & S. SCHUNZ, 12h, no ECTS)

Select thesis supervisor from College of Europe and from Fletcher

Begin internship search

IRD compact seminars—some may be taught during the second semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

EU Public Diplomacy in an Increasingly Competitive World (S. BELLOSI)

Political Thinking and Presenting Political Briefings (Z. COLLIER)

Introduction au protocole : protocole diplomatique et européen (J. DE BAENST)

Working with EU Media (G. HARDING)

La diplomatie de l’Union européenne sur le terrain dans les régions en conflit (R. KOBIA)

Prospective et planification stratégiques dans le cadre de la politique étrangère de l’UE (H. DELPHIN)

Challenges Facing European Diplomats : Practical Insights (Th. MAYR-HARTING)

L’action extérieure de l’Union européenne : Lobbying et stratégies d’influence (A. MUTAMBA)

Leadership in Foreign Policy : Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning (R. TON)



2 MATA compulsory courses

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: Transatlantic Project (B. BERTI & B. LETE, 5 ECTS, 20h)

Southern Atlanticism: Rethinking Mental Maps of Transatlantic Relations (I. LESSER, no ECTS, 8h)

IRD simulation game compulsory (30h, 3 ECTS)


4 IRD optional courses (25h, 4.5 ECTS)


Simulation Game: EU International Crisis Response (A. RIBO LABASTIDA & Q. WEILER)

IRD optional courses (select 4, preferably spread across at least 2 different clusters):

Security, Justice and Values

  • Les politiques étrangères nationales et l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne (D. CADIER)
  • EU Borders, Asylum and Migration Policies: A Critical Perspective  (V. MORENO-LAX)
  • Invisible Security Challenges: Hybrid Threats and the EU (H. SMITH)
  • Drivers of European Defence Cooperation and the Transatlantic Alliance (S.J. SMITH)
  • Politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l'Union européenne: stratégie, partenariats, opérations (T. TARDY)
  • EU Democracy Promotion and Human Rights Policy (R. YOUNGS)

Foreign Economic Relations and Sustainable Development

  • EU External Energy Policy (A. GOLDTHAU)
  • The EU and International Development (J. MACKIE)
  • Négociations et politiques commerciales de l’UE : outils et études de cas (N. PERIDY)
  • The EU and the Global Politics of Climate Change and the Environment (S. SCHUNZ)
  • Political Risk Analysis in a European Perspective (C.E SOTILOTTA)

Bi- and Multilateral Diplomacy

  • Gendering EU External Affairs : Towards a more Inclusive Diplomacy ? (G. ALLWOOD & R. GUERRINA)
  • Les relations de l'Union européenne avec les grandes puissances (T. DE WILDE D’ESTMAEL)
  • The Transatlantic Partnership: Renewal and Global Challenges (S. FRÖHLICH)
  • Speaking with One Voice? The EU's External Representation  (C-M GEURTS  & S. gstöhl)
  • The Evolving Relations between the EU and China: Partnership and Competition in a Changing World Order (A MICHALSKI)
  • EU Enlargement … and UK Withdrawal Order (D PHINNEMORE)

Specific Professional Skills

  • The EU and Peace Mediation (G. BANIM G. & A. HERRBERG)
  • Public Relations and Communications Management (C. COLOMINA SALO)
  • EU Digital Diplomacy: Global Governance, Geopolitics and Diplomatic Practice (J. KURBALIJA & S. TELEANU)
  • Le rôle de l’aide humanitaire dans l’action extérieure globale de l’Union européenne : cadre et pratique (A. KOULAIMAH)
  • European Intelligence Analysis and Production in Practice (R. ARCOS)
  • Gestion de projets dans la coopération internationale de l’Union européenne (N. MARCOUX)

IRD compact seminars—some may be taught during the first semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)

EU Public Diplomacy in an Increasingly Competitive World (S. BELLOSI)

Political Thinking and Presenting Political Briefings (Z. COLLIER)

Introduction au protocole : protocole diplomatique et européen (J. DE BAENST)

Working with EU Media (G. HARDING)

La diplomatie de l’Union européenne sur le terrain dans les régions en conflit (R. KOBIA)

Prospective et planification stratégiques dans le cadre de la politique étrangère de l’UE (H. DELPHIN)

Challenges Facing European Diplomats : Practical Insights (Th. MAYR-HARTING)

L’action extérieure de l’Union européenne : Lobbying et stratégies d’influence (A. MUTAMBA)

Leadership in Foreign Policy : Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning (R. TON)

MATA-IRD Thesis and Internship Preparation

Submit thesis proposal

Continue internship search


MATA study trip to Brussels

IRD study trip to Geneva

Thesis proposal

Internship search


Option 1: IRD Study Track Year 2

IRD STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 3 at The Fletcher School

4 courses at The Fletcher School, 24 ECTS


At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible



MATA thesis submission, 25 ECTS

High-level internship, 25 ECTS


Option 2: IRD Study Track Year 2


High-level internship, 25 ECTS


IRD STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 4 at the Fletcher School     

MATA thesis submission, 25 ECTS

4 courses at The Fletcher School, 24 ECTS


At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible


Students starting at the Fletcher School

IRD STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 1 at the Fletcher School

1 MATA compulsory course (27h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Transatlantic Affairs (J. SHATTUCK & I. LESSER)

4 Fletcher courses, 24 ECTS

At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible

Thesis and internship preparation

Select thesis supervisor from College of Europe and from Fletcher

Begin internship search


IRD STUDY TRACK SEMESTER 2 at the Fletcher School

1 MATA compulsory course (20h, 5 ECTS)

US-EU Relations in the 21st Century: Transatlantic Project (B. BERTI & B. LETE)

4 Fletcher courses, 6 ECTS each

At least one course from each of the three divisions (‘breadth requirement’):

  • International Law and Organizations (ILO)
  • Diplomacy, History and Politics (DHP)
  • Economics and International Business (EIB)

Cross-registration and substitution of 1 course from Tufts University or Harvard University possible

Thesis and internship preparation

Submit thesis proposal

Continue internship search




High-level internship



MATA Thesis submission (25 ECTS)

MATA compulsory compact seminar (8h, no ECTS)

Southern Atlanticism: Rethinking Mental Maps of Transatlantic Relations (I. LESSER)

IRD simulation game (voluntary, 30h, no ECTS)


4 IRD optional courses (25h, 4.5 ECTS each)



  • Simulation Game: EU International Crisis Response (A. RIBO LABASTIDA & Q. WEILER)

IRD optional courses (select 4, preferably spread across at least 2 different clusters):

Security, Justice and Values

  • Les politiques étrangères nationales et l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne (D. CADIER)
  • EU Borders, Asylum and Migration Policies: A Critical Perspective  (V. MORENO-LAX)
  • Invisible Security Challenges: Hybrid Threats and the EU (H. SMITH)
  • Drivers of European Defence Cooperation and the Transatlantic Alliance (S.J. SMITH)
  • Politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l'Union européenne: stratégie, partenariats, opérations (T. TARDY)
  • EU Democracy Promotion and Human Rights Policy (R. YOUNGS)

Foreign Economic Relations and Sustainable Development

  • EU External Energy Policy (A. GOLDTHAU)
  • The EU and International Development (J. MACKIE)
  • Négociations et politiques commerciales de l’UE : outils et études de cas (N. PERIDY)
  • The EU and the Global Politics of Climate Change and the Environment (S. SCHUNZ)
  • Political Risk Analysis in a European Perspective (C.E SOTILOTTA)

Bi- and Multilateral Diplomacy

  • Gendering EU External Affairs : Towards a more Inclusive Diplomacy ? (G. ALLWOOD & R. GUERRINA)
  • Les relations de l'Union européenne avec les grandes puissances (T. DE WILDE D’ESTMAEL)
  • The Transatlantic Partnership: Renewal and Global Challenges (S. FRÖHLICH)
  • Speaking with one Voice? The EU's External Representation  (C-M GEURTS  & S. gstöhl)
  • The Evolving Relations between the EU and China: Partnership and Competition in a Changing World Order (A MICHALSKI)
  • EU Enlargement … and UK Withdrawal Order (D PHINNEMORE)

Specific Professional Skills

  • The EU and Peace Mediation (G. BANIM G. & A. HERRBERG)
  • Public Relations and Communications Management (C. COLOMINA SALO)
  • EU Digital Diplomacy: Global Governance, Geopolitics and Diplomatic Practice (J. KURBALIJA & S. TELEANU)
  • Le rôle de l’aide humanitaire dans l’action extérieure globale de l’Union européenne : cadre et pratique (A. KOULAIMAH)
  • European Intelligence Analysis and Production in Practice (R. ARCOS)
  • Gestion de projets dans la coopération internationale de l’Union européenne (N. MARCOUX)

Study trips


MATA study trip to Brussels

IRD study trip to Geneva

IRD compact seminars—some may be taught during the first semester (voluntary, 8h, no ECTS)


EU Public Diplomacy in an Increasingly Competitive World (S. BELLOSI)

Political Thinking and Presenting Political Briefings (Z. COLLIER)

Introduction au protocole : protocole diplomatique et européen (J. DE BAENST)

Working with EU Media (G. HARDING)

La diplomatie de l’Union européenne sur le terrain dans les régions en conflit (R. KOBIA)

Prospective et planification stratégiques dans le cadre de la politique étrangère de l’UE (H. DELPHIN)

Challenges Facing European Diplomats : Practical Insights (Th. MAYR-HARTING)

L’action extérieure de l’Union européenne : Lobbying et stratégies d’influence (A. MUTAMBA)

Leadership in Foreign Policy : Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning (R. TON)


PDF version: IRD STUDY TRACK 2023-24

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