19h GCLC Annual Conference

The Global Competition Law Centre is pleased to welcome you to the 19th Annual Conference, entitled "Article 102 TFEU – Past, Present, Future".

This conference is revisiting Article 102 TFEU. Almost 20 years after our seminal 2005 conference that gave impetus to the European Commission’s work in that area, the GCLC hopes that the 2024 conference will equally prove influential and helpful to the Commission, while the latter is preparing draft Guidelines on exclusionary abuses. The conference is not limited to questions relating to abuse but also deals with market definition and dominance. Likewise, it does not limit itself to exclusionary abuses but also extends to exploitative and discriminatory practices.

For the first time, we will have a student or assistant from the College of Europe participate in each panel as the “voice of the College” and express the younger generations views on each topic at the outset of the panel discussion and presentations

The conference was held on 1-2 March 2024.


Day 1: Friday, 1 March 2024 (9:00 - 17:30)

Keynote Speech by Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager

  • Panel 1 – Article 102 TFEU: Achievements and failures (Slides 1, Slides 2, Slides 3)
  • Panel 2 – Article 102 TFEU - historical context and intellectual driving forces (Slides 1)
  • Panel 3 – Objectives of Article 102 TFEU and general framework of analysis
  • Panel 4 – Market definition and dominance: new challenges (Slides 1)


Day 2: Saturday, 2 March 2024 (9:00 - 13:30)

  • Panel 5 - The Court of Justice and Article 102 TFEU (Slides 1, Slides 2)
  • Panel 6 – Categorisation and the treatment of individual abuses
  • Panel 7 – The interaction between Article 102 TFEU and the old and the new regulatory regimes


Location: College of Europe - Verversdijk 16, BE 8000 Bruges (Auditorium 1)


Full Programme

Speakers and Moderators

List of participants




General News


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