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17 nov 2023

Valentine Korah Memorial Lecture by PROFESSOR IOANNIS LIANOS

A partir de 14:30 till 16:00
Auditorium 1
Verversdijk, Bruges campus


 On 17 November, the Legal Studies Department of the College of Europe and the Global Competition Law Centre will welcome Professor Ioannis Lianos at the campus in Bruges for the Valentine Korah Memorial Lecture.

 Professor Dr Ioannis Lianos will deliver a guest lecture on 'The myth of Daedalus and Icarus or Reforming Abuse of Dominance in EU Competition Law' in memory of Valentine Korah, fomerly Honorary Professor at the European Legal Studies Department of the College of Europe and Professor of Competition Law at the Faculty of Laws at University College London.

Ioannis Lianos is Professor, Chair of Global Competition Law and Public Policy at the Faculty of Laws, University College London, on leave to serve as the President of the Hellenic Competition Commission since September 2019. He was elected member of the Board of the Competition Committee at the OECD in December 2020.

Professor Lianos is the founding director of the Centre for Law, Economics and Society (CLES) at UCL Laws and served as the executive director of the Jevons Institute of Competition Law & Economics at UCL. He is a visiting professor in competition and intellectual property law at numerous universities including the Universities of Chile in Santiago, the University of Strasbourg and a fellow at the Australian National University’s Centre for Law & Economics and was an Emile Noel Fellow at New York University School of Law’s Jean Monnet Centre and a fellow at the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley.

Professor Lianos is a Non-Governmental Advisor at the International Competition Network since 2009, a research partner to UNCTAD in competition law and policy since 2010, and an elected member of the advisory board of the American Antitrust Institute since 2010. He is the co-editor of the Journal of Competition Law and Economics and the Yearbook of European Law, both published by OUP, and sits at the advisory board of the Journal of Competition Law and Practice, the Competition Policy International, among others.

The Director of the Legal Studies Department, Professor Dr Inge Govaere will deliver a short opening address and the event will be chaired by Professor Dr Bernd Meyring, President of the GCLC. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session.

The event is open to all students, in particular those from the European Legal Studies Department, and will take place in Auditorium 1 (Verversdijk Building) from 14:30 to 16:00. 

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