
We would kindly ask you to register for the Forum before March 28th. You can do so by a bank transfer to the account of the College of Europe. Please find all necessary details below:

BNP Paribas Fortis Bank NV
Vlamingstraat 78
B – 8000 Brugge
IBAN: BE72 2800 2006 7216

Please mention as reference: “your name+ 05-06/05/22 Forum Innovation”. We would be grateful if you could add a screenshot or confirmation of your payment to the conference email (so as to speed up the registration process):


Upon notification of acceptance, you can start registration on this webpage.

The registration fees are the following:
-members RNI: 150,00 euros
-non members RNI: 250,00 euros
-students members of RNI: free
-students non members of RNI: 80.00 euros
-students and personnel from the CoE : free
-online: 50,00 euros

General News


EG Colloquium 2023

On the 15 and 16 May, the European General Studies Programme of the College of Europe (Bruges) organized the second edition of its annual colloquium. This year, the colloquium focused on “EU...