Duodecim Astra – Issue 1 (2021): Future of Europe

Full issue

The first issue of Duodecim Astra, entitled “Future of Europe”, was published by students of the Mário Soares promotion of the College. Nine students formed the Executive Committee responsible for the publication: Benoît Commessie, Ciara Campbell, Erriketi Tla Nta Silva, Felicia Vigliotti, Jean McCarthy, Juuso Järviniemi, Ludovica Grossi, Péter Budai and Raquel Ugarte Díez. The team would like to thank the journal’s authors, editors, peer reviewers, copy editors, Scientific Committee members and Academic Assistant liaisons for their hard work and support throughout the process.




Full issue (PDF):
Future of Europe


Europe’s Obsession With Its Future
Robert Chaouad
Pages: 2 – 11

Le système des Spitzenkandidaten: Une innovation pour rendre l’UE plus démocratique?
Alexander Kloth
Pages: 12 – 25

Analysing the EU’s Migration-Development Nexus Through the Lens of Competing Policy Frames
Marlies Humpelstetter
Pages: 26 – 54

More European after Brexit? The impact of the UK’s Leave vote on the European identity of the remaining Member States
Lara Breitmoser
Pages: 55 – 78

A New European Neighbourhood without the EU's Neighbourhood Clause: The (potential) special relationship in EU-UK relations under Article 8 TEU
Brendan Rooney
Pages: 79 – 97

Russia’s (un)Controlled Disinformation
Adriano Rodari
Pages: 98 – 120

La Protection Environnementale dans les Accords Régionaux de Libre-Échange : une étude comparée
Luis Galiano Bastarrica
Pages: 121 – 141

How the ‘Brussels Effect’ Could Shape the Future Regulation of Algorithmic Discrimination
Fabian Lütz
Pages: 142 – 163

From Burden-Sharing Justice to Harm-Avoidance Justice: Reimagining the EU's Approach to Climate Justice
Kevin Le Merle
Pages: 164 – 178

Le Cas Curieux du Médiateur Partial : Perceptions de l'UE en tant que Médiateur dans le Conflit Israélo-Palestinien
Julia Vassileva
Pages: 179 – 190

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