Nos anciens

Dr. Raffaella PATIMO (IT)

Promotion Alexis DE TOCQUEVILLE , 1996-1997

Master en Etudes économiques européennes (MEEE)

Chercheur associé et professeur adjoint

University of Bari "A. Moro", Bari


CURRENT POSITION: Assistant Professor in Economics at University of Bari, Department of Economics and Mathematics, 2012-till present. Fulbright Distinguished Scholar at University of Pittsburgh, Fall Semester 2015. Fellow at EU Center of Excellence in Pittsburgh.


  • Assistant Professor in Economics at University of Bari, Faculty of Political Science, Dept. for Mediterranean Societies Studies, section of Economics, 2005-2012.
  • Research Fellow in Development Economics at University of Bari, Faculty of Political Science, Dept. for Mediterranean Societies Studies, section of Economics for the project “Development differentials in the Mediterranean Basin”, 2000- 2004.
  • Ph.D. in Development and Population Economics, University of Bari. Ph.D. Thesis discussed on "Crescita e occupazione in Europa: la teoria economica e la politica economica dell'UE" (Growth and Employment in Europe: theory and policy in EU).
  • 2000 University Biennial Specialisation in Economics and Law of European Communities, University of Bari, (started 1996 and interrupted to attain PhD), Thesis in Development Economics “L’UE ed il Bacino Mediterraneo: dalla cooperazione all’Europartenariato” (EU and Mediterranean Basin: from Cooperation to Euromed Partnership).
  • 1997 Collège d’Europe, Bruges, M.A. Degree in European Economic Studies, Promotion Tocqueville. Final dissertation in English on “Growth, employment and regional disparities. The impact of Community Initiatives in the Mezzogiorno of Italy”.
  • 1995 Joint European M.A. Degree in Economics of International Trade and European Integration, final dissertation in English on International trade. Theory and policy titled “Situation and Prospects in EU and CEECs: the Textile-Clothing Industry”.
  • University studies: 1994 Degree in Economia e Commercio, Faculty of Economics, University of Bari, with a Thesis, in Labour Economics “Una recente interpretazione della disoccupazione. L’isteresi del mercato del lavoro” (A recent interpretation of the unemployment. The hysteresis of the labour market), cum Laude.
  • Member of SIE (Società Italiana degli Economisti, Italian Society of Economists), 2006-to date
  • Member of Interdipartimental Center for Gender Studies (Centro interdipartimentale per gli studi sulla cultura di genere), 2006- to date.
  • Member of Italian Association of “Donne e Scienza” (Women and Science), 2014- to date.

European Economic Integration and related policies;
Gender and economic studies;
Labour Economics and participation determinants;
Development Economics and International Cooperation.


My interest for Europe became a passion and a way of life during the year at the College. Since then, all I have done has been permeated by the academic, human and multicultural experience I had in Bruges. All I have done has seen me as a EU antenna in every sphere of my private and professional life and I believe it will be like this for ever. Even in my experience across the Atlantic, as a Fulbright Scholar, I chose to dwell on European affairs, gaining more credit for my Distinguished Scholarship teaching about EU-US Transatlantic Economic Relations.


T +39 328 59 71 744

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