10 oct 2016

Business Link: The EU and West Flanders – A Study Trip

A partir de 10:00 till 15:00

Meeting point for bus pickup
Katelijnevest 1
8000 Bruges

Did you know that no less than 60% of European purchasing power is located within a 500 km radius of the province of West Flanders?

Did you know that if the vegetables on your plate were frozen at one point in time, chances are they came from West Flanders?

Did you know that entrepreneurs in the West Flanders region are developing revolutionary synthetic textiles and materials, producing "blue" energy, and have an important role in the creative industries and media sector?

The 64 cities and municipalities of West Flanders are a nerve centre close to the European institutions and decision-making power. West Flanders is the only province in Belgium which has direct access to the sea, and it is surrounded by strong economic regions such as the Randstad in the Netherlands to the north, the French Lille-Roubaix-Tourcoing metropolis to the south, and London to the west.

On 10 October 2016, a group of students from the College of Europe was generously invited by the West Flanders local government to get to know the province that will be their home for the coming academic year. The study trip included an introduction to the economic assets of West Flanders by Ms Lies LEFEVERE from the Provincial Government, and a lecture on the impact of the EU on West Flemish companies by Ms Laure MARTROYE of the Port of Oostende. Students also got a chance to see the Port of Oostende up close and talk to representatives of the Falck Safety Services Belgium.

For more information please contact Gil STEIN.


Business Link: The EU and West Flanders – A Study Trip

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