Cours à option

  • NN - Economics of EU Environmental and Climate Change Policy (30h)
  • CASEY J.-P. & NADRY D. - European Financial Market Regulation (30h)
  • JONKERS K. - EU Economic Policy Advice : Case Analyses (30h)
  • BERDEN K. & MOSCOVICI P. - Start-up Europe : A Policy Lab (30 / 25h)
  • HIEBERT P. & VANSTEENKISTE I. - Sustainable Finance in the EU (30h)
  • PELKMANS J. - Economics of EU Network Industries (30h)

General News


European Summer School on 'Digital Europe'

The German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) launched a European Summer School on ‘Digital Europe’ for more than 90 highly talented and motivated students from all...