Der Brexit und die Krise der europäischen Integration


Britain’s decision to leave the EU is a momentous event, not only for the country itself but also for Europe as a whole. In this respect, Brexit cannot simply be regarded as a purely British problem but, because it apparently signifies the end of a union of nations that had been growing ever closer, it also strikes at the heart of the European project as such. Moreover, it reveals institutional, idealistic and socio-economic flaws within the EU and between individual member states which, when addressed, will recalibrate the former equilibrium in Europe’s multilevel system. This Festschrift, complied in honour of Prof. Dr. Roland Sturm, is the first to study the political, strategic and financial repercussions of Brexit for not only Britain, but also for the European Union and selected EU member states.

Thorsten WINKELMANN, Tim GRIEBEL. Der Brexit und die Krise der Europäischen Integration : EU und mitgliedsstaatliche Perspektiven im Dialog. Festschrift für Roland Stum zum 65. Geburtstag. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018, 321 p.