21 juin 2024

Closing Ceremony of the Madeleine Albright Promotion 2023/2024, Bruges Campus

A partir de 14:30 till 17:00

Concert Hall
't Zand 34
8000 Bruges

The Closing Ceremony for the Madeleine Albright promotion 2023/2024 of the College of Europe - Bruges Campus will take place on Friday, 21 June 2024 at 14:30

We are delighted to have Mr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of Germany, as our keynote speaker.

Mr Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the Administrative Council of the College of Europe, Mr Dirk DE FAUW, Mayor of the City of Bruges, Mr Carl DECALUWE, Governor of the Province of West-Flanders, Rector Federica MOGHERINI will also intervene during the ceremony. 

Prizes will be awarded to the students of the Madeleine Albright Promotion by the Directors of Studies.

Musical interludes by students of the Madeleine Albright Promotion.

You can consult the provisional programme here.
(Thesis prizes are still subject to change.)

This is a closed event. The event will be live-streamed for those wishing to follow the ceremony online.   

For more information, please contact the Communications and events team at events@coleurope.eu

* Your personal data will be processed in accordance with out privacy policy for events. Please note that during the event pictures may be taken which can be used for publication. In case you do not want to appear on such pictures, please mention this to the event organiser.