Celebrating Georgia's vibrant culture

The College of Europe in Natolin celebrated the vibrant culture of Georgia with a series of events held from 8-10 May 2024. The Georgian Cultural Day festivities showcased the rich history, art, and traditions of Georgia, offering students and guests an immersive experience.

The celebration kicked off with a screening of the acclaimed movie "Mandarins" on 8 May, providing an insightful glimpse into Georgian cinema and storytelling.

On 9 May, the festivities continued with an opening of the exhibition "History of Independence of Georgia – First Republic", with special participation of H.E. Ambassador of Georgia in Poland, Diana ZHGENTI. Guests had the opportunity to explore the captivating journey of Georgia's independence and heritage. Additionally, a Georgian Wine Tasting event delighted attendees with the flavors and aromas of Georgia's renowned wines.

The highlight of the celebration was on 10 May, with a Georgian Dinner featuring a Traditional Supra, a traditional Georgian feast. Guests were treated to an authentic culinary experience, savoring the flavors of Georgian cuisine. Following the dinner, the event "Be a Stumari of Georgia" showcased a fusion of traditional dances and modern music of Georgia, captivating the audience with the vibrant rhythms and movements.

The Georgian Cultural Day celebration at Natolin was a testament to the College's commitment to fostering cultural exchange and understanding among its diverse community. The event was a student led initiative with organizational support of the Students Affairs and Professional Development Office (SAPDO).