Europe and the war in Ukraine : from Russian aggression to a new eastern policy

László ANDOR and Uwe OPTENHÖGEL. Europe and the war in Ukraine : from Russian aggression to a new eastern policy. Brussels, Belgium : Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), 2023, xii, 297p.

Russia's aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 shook the world and has caused immense suffering and destruction in the invaded country. All indications are that the war will drag on deep into 2023. Until now the conflict has been highly dynamic, both militarily and politically. Ambitions, objectives and achievements have been as dynamic as the policies of the stakeholders involved. While not a military player itself, the European Union has emerged as a significant actor by aiding the Ukrainian war effort, supporting refugees, sanctioning Russia and turning Ukraine into a candidate for EU membership. This book tracks these developments and looks at the key aspects of the war from a European perspective. Beyond the causes and consequences of the war, it explores how Europe – and, more specifically, the EU – has performed during the conflict: something that is likely to determine the future of our continent in many ways.