The EU in the world : 2016 edition


This publication provides a statistical portrait of the European Union in relation to the rest of the world. It presents a broad range of indicators for the EU and the non-EU members of the Group of Twenty (G20). It treats the following areas: population; living conditions; health; education and training; the labour market; economy and finance; international trade; industry, trade and services; research and communication; transport; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; the environment; and energy. The publication, which complements information found in Europe in figures — the Eurostat yearbook and in the Eurostat regional yearbook, may be viewed as an introduction to European and international statistics. It provides a starting point for those who wish to explore the wide range of data that are freely available from a variety of international organisations and on Eurostat’s website.

EUROSTAT. The EU in the world : 2016 edition. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2016. 179 p.