EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary


Since 1999, the EU has adopted legislation harmonizing many areas of immigration law, in particular rules on borders, visas, legal migration, and irregular migration. The much-enlarged and fully updated second edition of this book contains the text of and detailed commentary upon every significant measure in this field proposed or adopted up until 1 September 2011. It includes commentary on the EU visa code, the Schengen Borders Code, the Frontex Regulation, the Returns Directive, the Directives on family reunion, long-term residents and single permits for migrant workers, and many more besides.

Steve PEERS, Violeta MORENO-LAX, Madeline GARLICK and Elspeth GUILD. EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Volume 3, EU asylum law. Leiden : Brill Nijhoff, [2015], viii, 674 p.