Deepening EU-Moldovan Relations


For Moldova, the signing of the Association Agreement and the DCFTA with the European Union in 2014 was an act of strategic geopolitical significance. Of all the EU’s eastern neighbours, Moldova is objectively the most European on several counts, including sharing a common history, language, culture and border with EU member state Romania. These provide a positive foundation for a successful Agreement, notwithstanding the major political challenges that confront contemporary Moldova. 

The purpose of this Handbook is to make the complex political, economic and legal content of the Association Agreement readily understandable. This third edition, published seven years since signature of after entry into force of the Agreement’s implementation is substantially new in content, both updating how Moldova has been implementing the Agreement, and introducing new dimensions (including the Green Deal, the Covid-19 pandemic, cyber security, and gender equality). The Handbook is also up to date in analysing Moldova’s dramatic political swings between the recent pro-Russian and new pro-European presidencies. 

Michael. EMERSON, Denis CENUŞA. Deepening EU-Moldovan relations : updating and upgradng in the shadow of COVID-19. London : Center for European Policy Studies, 2021, 360 p.