Celebrating Nordic Connections: The Cultural Day of Denmark and Sweden at Natolin

The College of Europe in Natolin recently hosted a lively celebration of Danish and Swedish culture during a student-led Cultural Day held in cooperation with the Students Affairs and Professional Development unit. The event, which took place on 3 May 2024, was a delightful fusion of Danish-Swedish traditions with a Polish twist, coinciding with Poland's Constitution Day.

Kicking off the festivities was a cozy 'fika' session in the Winter Garden, inviting attendees to experience the Scandinavian tradition of enjoying coffee and pastries in good company. Following this moment of relaxation, Mr Bo HELLDÉN, Danish Lecturer at the University of Gdańsk, and the head of the Board of Danish Lecturers Abroad, provided interesting insights into Danish language and culture. Mr HELLDÉN has an extensive experience teaching Danish both in Poland and China.

The cultural immersion continued with a thought-provoking lecture by Mr Włodzimierz PESSEL, from the University of Warsaw, shedding light on the historical and contemporary relations between Denmark and Poland. As an esteemed historian specializing in the Scandinavian region and Nordic-Polish relations, Mr PESSEL’s expertise provided attendees with a deeper understanding of the cultural dynamics between the two nations.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the Swedish-Danish dinner served in Natolin's canteen, featuring various dishes including 'frikadeller,' 'köttbullar,' 'tarteletter,' 'smørrebrød,' 'laxsoppa,' 'kanelbullar,' and more, prepared with care and culinary flair by the student restaurant of Natolin.

Overall, the Cultural Day of Denmark and Sweden was a resounding success, bringing together the Natolin community to celebrate the Nordic culture while also honoring the bonds between Denmark, Sweden, and Poland.