Your Picture ID / C-Card

Your ID Picture is used on several place in the College systems.

You can change your ID Picture yourself for the following services

  • C-Account
    • C-Card
    • College intranet and intranet directory
    • College e-mail system and related
    • Online address book
  • Who's Who (staff only)


To change your C-Account picture follow the steps below.

Please check the Picture ID Guidelines before submitting your picture.

  1. Log in to the College e-mail system at
  2. Click the picture on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click on the picture in the popup window.
  4. Click "+ Upload a new photo" just above the big picture.
  5. Select the picture file you want to use as your profile picture by browsing your system.
    In case you do not have a square picture, don't worry, the system will crop it square automatically.
    Please note that we expect this picture to follow specific Picture ID Guidelines (see below).
  6. Adjust the picture by zooming or dragging the picture to the desired position.
  7. Save your new profile picture by clicking on the "Apply" button.
  8. You are done so press the "Done" button.

This new picture will be visible in the mail system automatically and will be synced after a while with the address book and the College intranet.

You can update your profile picture in the College e-mail system at any time. If you want to change the picture on the intranet or the intranet directory, you will need to request an update via the ICT Helpdesk. Of course, it will only appear on your C-Card the moment you request a new C-Card.

Picture ID Guidelines

  • The picture needs to be in colour.
  • Your face should be in focus and directly facing the camera.
  • Keep your head straight and upright.
  • Your head should be centred in the frame.
  • Use a neutral/natural facial expression.
  • Sunglasses and hats are not OK. Only head coverings worn for religious reasons on a daily basis are permitted.
  • Make sure the picture presents the full head from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin, showing also the top of the shoulders, as shown in the demo pictures above.
  • Lighting should be adjusted to avoid strange or hard shadows.
  • You need to be the only subject in the picture.
  • Use a "neutral" background for your picture. So holiday pictures at the beach, in front of a monument or a building will not be accepted.
  • If your digital image does not reflect your current appearance, even if it is not older than 6 months, the College of Europe will request a new picture or take a new picture at your arrival.
  • Photos copied or digitally scanned from driver’s licenses or other official documents are not acceptable. The same goes for snapshots, magazine photos, low quality vending machine or mobile phone photos, and full-length photographs.
  • The final picture needs to have a minimal resolution of 1024 by 1024 pixels.

General News


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