Academic Courses and Training

1. Academic Courses

Gender equality is a cross-cutting topic that is mainstreamed across our academic programmes, with some courses fully dedicated to gender issues. 

For the academic year 2022-2023, these include for example:


2. Training

Prevention is an essential part in fostering a respectful and safe environment at the College. It is expected that all participants in College life are aware of and familiar with the regulations of prohibited behaviours outlined in our Code of Conduct. In line with the above-mentioned principle and thanks to the 2020-2021 Task Force, the College of Europe is committed to organising a mandatory consent workshop at the start of each academic year. Living, working and studying in such a close microcosm such as the College of Europe for 10 months makes this a vital training to help students live together in a harmonious way.

In 2022, the conference was hosted by our Student Welfare Officer, Julie FAVRIL, in collaboration with Juliette SANCHEZ-LAMBERT and Anoushka DUFEIL, both experts at Sexe et Consentement. During the interactive workshop, students were presented with facts and data around sexual misconduct, guidance to make consent sexy and transparent, as well as useful tools to intervene as an active bystander.

In addition, both students and staff can benefit from active listening and bystander intervention workshops, to help develop participants' skill set and contribute to an inclusive College Community.

Active listening helps in recognizing other people’s perspectives, feelings, and experiences. It empowers the entire College Community to foster a culture of respect and compassion, and being an active listener equips you to support survivors of any form of trauma. Moreover, active listening skills will prove essential in each individual personal and professional path beyond the College of Europe.

Bystander intervention is aimed at recognizing and safely intervening in potentially dangerous situations.  It is equally essential in contributing to a safe and respectful environment at the College and help prevent the prohibited behaviors enlisted in the Code of Conduct. Moreover, it will contribute to strengthening participants' assertiveness in both personal and external experiences.


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